Three: Plum Blossoms

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You spin around to the unexpected.

What appeared to be a man stood before you. Pure white hair and eyelashes, soft and silky as snow. As white as his hair was his skin was nearly as fair. Porcelain and smooth, you opened your eyes in disbelief. Was this a human? He wore traditional Japanese clothing colored green and yellow, sewn perfectly and kept tidy without wrinkles. His posture was perfect and he had a wide, cheeky grin across his face. Lastly, you noticed his eyes. Contrasting the rest, his eyes gave a beautiful emerald hue and glimmered bright. As much as you'd like to pull away his eyes sucked you in.

You both stood there for awhile before you realized you stared at this man. Remembering the situation you step back with a jolt. "W-who are you?" You ask nervously. He tilts his head and giggles softly. "Oh, me? Why, I'm the snake that saved you." You stare at him in disbelief and burst out into laughter. "That's the most silly thing I've-" the man pulls you in for a strong, warm embrace. "No, (Y/n). It's true." He murmurs. You feel warm coils wrap around you and saw the same beautiful snake. "How?" You questioned. He broke the embrace.

He stared in confusion. "What do you mean? Aren't you a Yokai as well?" You shook your head, confused as what this man was alluding to. "You said you were alone. What happened to your family?" He asked. You remained silent, not obliging to this stranger. "Ah, I see." He said. He nodded and kept a warm smile. "I understand. You must be confused. Now, may you sit down with me?" He walked to the sliding door and sat on the front porch. Hesitantly, you walk over and sit down next to him. "Is that a plum blossom?" You questioned.

"Ah, yes! It was my mistresses favorite until-" his face fell and he went quiet. You turned to the stranger and watched sorrow fill in his eyes. "Until what?" He closed his eyes and waited a moment. Eventually he opened his eyes and flashed a bright smile, trying to conceal the pain. "Ah, it's nothing! She's just been gone for a little, bit she'll return s on. I'm the familiar of this shrine." He may not want to talk about it, so you shrugged it off.

"So, what is your name?"

"I'm Mizuki, and I already know yours. So, it's a pleasure to meet you!" He shook my hand gingerly. "Mizuki, what is this on my arm?" You point to the faded brown marks that streaked across your right arm. He smiled and took my hand. "That's the mark of marriage. You are my soon to be my bride!"

I know these chapters are short :'D sorry!

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