Chapter 30 "Run and Hide"

Start from the beginning

This ruby of exemption gave me the opportunity to look, enter, and wander the castle. Am I so lucky? I'm going to tell Jamaicah about this once I get back to the castle. She would be envy me because of this.

I laughed a little.

I immediately climb off from the bed and followed Kenneth.


"Wow..." I said.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" Kenneth said.

The green grass is so thick and pretty. The healthy green trees look so beautiful. The colorful flowers are glimmering while dancing along with the wind. The butterflies are shining while freely flying into the air. There's a cute little deer drinking water from a river. The river glitters when the sunlight hits it. Few fishes jump at the surface of the river and went back to the bottom of the water.

The bright sun is smiling towards us. The clouds are white and look so soft like the cotton. The weather is fine: no rain or storm is coming. The wind is friendly as it gently touches my uncovered flesh.

I gazed the entire view, it's lovely. I loved to stay here.

The place is like a paradise that you would never wanted to leave.

"Yeah..." I said while feeling the fresh air.

"When I am not assigned on missions, I always come here." He said.

"This place is so wonderful." I said.

"You look very happy."

I am happy...

I wish mom could see this. Dad too... Also my grandmother... And Mic as well...

Mic... I'm sure she'll love to see this.

"Wait! What are you doing?" I asked as Kenneth used his magic to change his cloak on his body into T-shirt and short.

"He-he... Do you like the design? I just imagined the T-shirt and short design and change the cloak into that. Cool, right?" He said.

This person is so weird. I don't know him.

He is really proud of his art, I guess.

But he really does seem to look so good in that short and t-shirt. His body is so sexy and seductive that even of that short and T-shirt can't cover its body figure.

But even if his body figure is sexy and seductive, girls would prefer to turn him down because of his Uhm... face I guess. I mean with that long hair, mustache, and beard of his, he looks so Uhm... more like a drug addict.

But if Kenneth is an ordinary human and lived in the mortal world, he wouldn't prefer to never cut his hair, mustache, and his beard. Because when he is living to that place, I'm sure an elderly someone will took care of him and force him to cut it off.

And because of that, if Kenneth is an ordinary human and lived in the mortal world then he would be chased with several girls. Because of his body, most people will get attracted to him that easily.

And maybe, well, Uhm... Now that I think of it... In our place, a person admires another person even if that person is having a not so good looking face but as long as that person remained their body in a good and tasty to the eyes figure then they'll be admired in no doubt. Too bad it is true since most of the society is lustful.

Kenneth's looks plus his body figure, I'm sure he will be famous in all the ends of the world. I envy him...

I wonder what his face looks like.

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