Chapter 27 "Promise"

Start from the beginning

"Okay." I said. "If you don't want to be called in that way... But since you are my master's friend, you are welcome to visit us anytime. And also if you need anything, don't hesitate to run to me... is that okay?" I said. I watched Kenneth's respond but he didn't express anything. He conveyed only an emotionless expression.

"Kent, that's too much. But thanks a lot..." She said.

"Anything for a kind and special girl..." I said.

My eyes went to Kenneth once more. I must say that he is thinking of something so deeply today.


Kenneth's POV

What did I just said?

I was so close with that.

Too close.

I should watch my words more seriously next time.

Why did I say that? It is so embarrassing. It is not like me. It is not like the new version of me.

I've changed. Remember...? Kenneth...?


Alexandra's POV

That is so weird... That thing was really familiar. Did this happen to me before? Or did I just dream of it before. I just can't exactly tell it when, where, or how. Maybe I should give a serious attention to my dreams during my sleep from now on.

Aside from that... Don't you think Kent is really too friendly at me even though we just met? I can see that but it is just too much?

I suddenly saw the cooking materials floated into the air. I think Kent did that by the use of his long tail.

"Amazing..." I said to myself.

Then Kent created a fire and puts the pot above it.

Can I help something? I went closer to Kent.

"It's okay. You'll just sit there and relax. I'm fine." He said. Did he know what is on my mind?


Kenneth and I been playing with the kittens for a couple of hours without talking to each other while Kent is still cooking for food.

I guess Kenneth is bored now unlike me and I just can't help it but to feel sorry since I cannot come up with a topic to talk. I am used to not talking to anyone ever since I was a kid and this is why I don't know how to communicate even until now. When I was a kid, no one would want to talk to me because of my grandmother. They seem to dislike my family and me. I don't know what their deep reason is and I can't change it since I can't turn their heads over just to like us.

Most of the people rumored that my grandmother is a witch. Some rumored that she is a good sorcery. And we as her family are treated as witches and sorceries too. Witches and sorceries are the same, right? But still, I know what really my grandmother is.

Many persons would visit my grandmother to cure them or to cure their love ones. And my grandmother loved to help them. She loved her job even if she's never using her abilities and knowledge to get gain. I admire her so much of her kindness.

The people that my grandmother helped would call her a faith healer. These people appreciated her very much. But to some would call her a witch that would hex anyone. Negative opinions spread fast on our place until one day, the villagers tried to make us leave the place and threaten us.

We have no other option but to leave the place and move to another place that is far from where we usually lived. On our new place, rumors about our family were there too but they have no proof to believe that it is true. But since there are still rumors about it, other kids ignored and avoided me as to what their mothers had taught them to do when they see me.

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