Chapter 23 "Halloween"

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Alexandra's POV

Faith wraps my leg with some kinds of leaves after the stranger left us.

Kenneth is right. We should act vigilant while we are still here on the mystic world.

Kenneth puts his one arm at the back of my knees and his other arm went at my back after Faith is done putting some leaves around my leg.

Wait, what?

"What are you doing? Stop that!" I asked and said.

"I'll carry you." He replied.

"What? No! No!" I said.

Kenneth stood up.

"What 'no'? You can't walk right?" He said.

I just don't like someone would carry me like that except for my father. It would look like it is so ridiculous.

"I can walk on my own. It's just that it is not today." I said.

"What? We'll wait for you until you are healed then? That's what you want?" He said.

"No... I don't mean it is like that..."

"Then what...?"

'Then what...?', 'Then what...?' His words are echoing into my ears. I don't know what I should reply.

"I ah..."


"You can go and leave me behind. I'll catch up as soon as I can walk again." I smiled- a fake smile. I don't think that is the beast idea. There are so many monsters and beasts around here. No! I don't want to be left behind.

"You're being so ridiculous, Alexandra." He said. And I think he is right about that. "But if you really insisted us to go and leaving you behind... Maybe that's a great idea."

No! Can I change what I said at the very start?

"Are you sure, Alex?" Faith asked.

Not really, Faith. I wanted to tell her that.

"Of course she is, Faith." –Kenneth. "Come on, Faith. We have to go."

Kenneth started to walk away.

Faith is unsure whether she'll stay or not. But Kenneth stopped and told Faith to follow him now.

No, Faith. Stay here. Stay with me!

I wanted to cry today at this moment.

"We'll see you there, Alex." –Faith. "I hope so."

What does she mean 'I hope so?'

NO... NO... NO... NO... NO... NO...

"Wait!" I yelled.

Kenneth and Faith stopped and turn their heads around facing me.

I ah... What should I say?

"Why did you stop us, Alex?" –Kenneth.

"I ah..." I started. "I want to come with you."

"But I thought you wanted to be left behind and catch us up after you can walk again." He argued.

"I'm sorry..." I said.

"What are you sorry for?" He asked.

"For being so ridiculous..." I said. "I don't want to be eaten by a monster. Please, can I come?"

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