Chapter 24 "Lost Again"

Start from the beginning

"I wish I have that kind of brain." I said.

"Me too... I admired the queen and the king so much when I was young. I also envied their only child that time. But when I grow up, I started to be thankful for that setting given for me all throughout my entire life. Because if I become a person just like them and handling great responsibilities just like what they have, I would be so miserable in giving up my own will and always to follow the Gods' will." –Steven.

"King Heather and the queen have a child?"

"Yup...! I never heard of the princess ever since the war had happened. I even never get to see her personally because she is always staying inside the castle. They said that she is so beautiful." He said.

"I heard the princess died that day." –John.

"I heard that too but I also heard that the princess is safe. I don't know what the truth is." –Steven.

John suddenly stands up and pointed his wand at me.

"What? What is wrong?" I said.

"Move away..." He replied. I followed him and moved away.

For a second there, I thought he is going to hex me.

"Who's that?" Steven asked.


Hector appeared.

"Hector." I said.

"What are you two doing?" –Hector.

"We thought you were someone else." –Steven.

"I'm not. And we found the portal. Cindy and Zane went to the mansion already with Jimmy to get Jimmy healed." –Hector. "Where is Kenneth's group?"

"They aren't here yet. We are the first group to come here." I said.

"Oh. Well, I'll wait for them then. You guys should get going before something bad might happen to you." –Hector. "The portal is located at the lion's hair garden."

"All right... Let's go, Jamaicah... Steven." –John.

John started to walk and leave. We followed him.

"Guys...! Wait!" Someone shouted. We turn around and saw nothing. "Down here!" He said.

Uh! It's a talking rabbit?

"Halloween...!" –Hector.

"Halloween...? What are doing here?" –Steven.

"Halloween...?" I whispered.

Halloween is its name? How weird.

"No time for that!" the rabbit said while catching his breath.

"Where did you come from, Halloween? Why are you rushing to come here? And how did you know that we are here?" –John.

Faith appeared behind Halloween. Just like the rabbit, Faith is catching her breath too.

This moment shocked us all.

"Where are Kenneth and Alex?" –Hector

The two where are the two of them? Where is my best friend?

"Faith...? Where are they?" –Steven.


Alexandra's POV

What is that...? There is a blue light I keep on seeing beside me under the bushes while I am running.

First, the monster type beast. Next, the dog type beast. And now, this unknown light thingy is chasing me too? The three are chasing me! Am I going to die here right now...?

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