Chapter 22 "The Stranger"

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Alexandra's POV

"Hmmm... It smells delicious, don't you think, Alex?" Faith said. She's referring to Kenneth's pot. I nodded in reply to her but in a not so interested mood. "Kenneth, since when did you know how to cook?" She asked.

Faith is really friendly. Even to an ugly and prideful Kenneth.

"Since the day I knew that girls like boys who know how to cook good food." Kenneth replied.

"Tsk...!" I said.

I just realized that there are ugly person who actually fond of themselves just like Kenneth. Yuck!

I am so disturbed by Kenneth's behavior today. I didn't know that he could be a 'feeling an idol' person. He said 'because I am like this and that', 'I am this handsome and that', 'I do this and that to be just like this and that' after a couple of chitchats with Faith.

"What's that? Alex? I heard something." Kenneth said. I did not reply him. He's too annoying. "I bit your whispering to yourself that 'Kenneth is so perfect.'..."


I thought Kenneth is a silent type person but I guess I was wrong.


Steven's POV

"John... Cindy..." I called them as they came out from the castle.

They saw me and went immediately towards me.

They laid Jimmy who is unconscious to the ground. I was going to ask where is Hector but John spoke something first.

"Steven, Cindy, go to the place where Kenneth and the others are. Bring Jimmy with you. I'll stay here to look for Hector." –John.

Cindy and I nodded. We know where Kenneth and the others are. We bumped into Kenneth this morning and said that Faith and Alex is fine with him.


Alexandra's POV

"Here. Drink it." Kenneth offered.

"What is this?" I asked.

"Just drink it." He replied.

"Why will I drink it if I know not about this liquid?"

"Did you think that I will give you a poison potion?" He replied.

"Don't you?" I replied. "As if this liquid will make me like you! Yuck but that will never going to happen!" I said.

"It's an Ample Potion. It can bring back your muscle strength." He said calmly.

I immediately drink the potion after he said that it can bring back my muscle strength. Then suddenly, I felt energetic and strong.

I immediately stood up by my feet. I smiled as I saw its result.

"It is..." I began.

"Why did you think that I would ever make you drink a potion in order for you to like me? Huh.., Alex...?" He asked. "Did you think that I like you?"

"What...!" I yelled him in a surprised mood.

He suddenly pats my head.

"I'm just joking...ha ha..." He said.

"You...! Stop patting my head! I don't like you...!" I yelled at him.

He immediately stopped from patting my head.

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