Chapter 20 "Under Attacked"

Start from the beginning

I positioned my weapon and shoots to the target. Faith did the same.


Kenneth's POV

Alexandra and Faith killed many of Keith's creatures but not all of them yet.

I sat behind the tree upon a rock right at the corner to watch Alex's training.

They didn't know that I'm watching them and they can't see me too because the surrounding around me is dark. The light of the full moon can't shine here because of the tree.

I did not join the others to sleep because I chose to watch them here...

I've been watching them all ever since the day that they entered the Mystic World. I just can't feel free whenever they are on the dangerous place.

"Huh!" –Faith. "I never thought that this could be so fun."

"This is isn't fun." I whispered to myself.

I looked at Alex. She is getting better on using the bow.

And then I saw a round light behind them that is far but is coming towards us and they didn't even know it.

I stood up to analyze what it is.


Cindy's POV

After Alex shoots and killed the target, a big ball of fire came towards us. But before we can run, the ball of fire exploded as it touched to the ground.

We flew and dropped to the ground because of the explosion.

I immediately stood up and helped Alex beside me.

"Are you okay? Where is Faith?" I asked.

"I don't know. I'll look for her." –Alex.

"I'll look for the others too..."

Alex nodded and left to find Faith.

I turned around to look for the others inside the house that they sleep in.

"Where are you going?" A person in a cloak... I can't see his face because of the hood that is on his head.

Why is he asking? Is he concerned?

Then I finally realized. These Alfred's servants are attacking us. They are finally aware that we are present here now.

I smiled.

"Concerned...?" I said teasingly.

"For what...?" Another person from my back said.

As I turn around to see her, I was shocked to see the third person.

There are three persons in their cloak that surrounds me now.

"Rose...?" words spits from my mouth.

"Surprised...?" –Rose.


Kenneth's POV

I coughed.

The fire is already spreading in the entire place.

"Faith...? Faith... Where are you?" I heard Alex.

I already caught Faith and carried her on my back as she is still unconscious from what happened.

"Alex...?" I called.

"Kenneth...?" She replied.

I can't see her well because of the smoke from the explosion.

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