Chapter 18 "The Mountain of Harmony"

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Faith's POV

Having been disturbed from sleeping and woke up early in the morning because of the loud snore.

I rise from sleeping and sat. I took my glasses and put it on then I turned my head to see whose snoring. And found out that it was Jimmy.

Jimmy, Alexandra, and Hector are sleeping. They are tired from their training last night.

What do you expect? They have to because Alex is so unpredictable. She would go to somewhere and not telling us about it.

I yawned.

I saw Cindy and she is already awake. She's seating outside the cave and just staring still to the outside environment.

I stood up and went to her.

Outside, I saw John and Steven. John is taking a rest under the shades of the tree. While Steven... gosh...

"Why are you blushing?" Cindy beside me asked suddenly.

I turned to her and shook my head.

"I'm not." I replied coldly.

She just nodded and turned back her head.

Am I really blushing?

I touched my cheeks.

"You're blushing." In my surprised that Cindy talked.

"I'm not." I replied coldly.

"Then why are you touching your cheeks." –Cindy.

"I-I just..."

"Do you like him?"





"Why...? Steven is your type, right?"


"He is smart, friendly, cheerful, helpful, kind, handsome, and always concerned about almost anything..." She said. "His humors are reading books, experimenting, painting..." that's true.

Yesterday, you're always at his side, laughing about something.

I don't like Steven!

"He is not my type." I calmly told her.

"If you say so..." She replied.

Steven rises himself from the water after deciding to finish his bath from the Rock Pool.

I am so embarrassed to see him like that. He is almost naked and the only cloth that he wore today is his boxers.

His muscles are fine: not too big and not too less.

I saw Cindy turned her head to me through my peripheral vision so I immediately turned away.

I stood up and walk away from them.


Alexandra's POV

I felt so dizzy after rising from the bed... I mean the ground.

I put my hand to my forehead to support myself.

Ahh! What is wrong with me? I felt so dizzy and my body hurts.

What happened last night?

I can't remember. All I know is that we have our training last night.

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