"Robin was lying... good" he started pushing at the wall the building it started to crumble, but it seems he doesn't have enough strength and the wave will hit us soon.

"Luffy my name is Hiriko, I need to tell you they took Lily to, she sent me a letter that Lukia delivered to me and it said it was too late for her" Hiriko's tears flowed down her face "I DON'T WANT HER TO DIE SHE SAVED ME! SHE WAS THE FIRST TO ACCEPT ME! PLEASE SAVE HER!" She bowed.

For a minute you could only hear Hiriko crying and Nami sobbing "DON'T WORRY I WON'T LET THEM DIE!!"

With that Luffy was able to push the building away, grabbing Nami and Hiriko and made it back in time so the wave didn't hit them.

They were able to follow them with the seatrain called the rocket man that Kokoro let them use. Nami got a call on her transponder snail that she got out of her boobs? It was Sanji.

Nami caught him up with everything that has happened "Well I guess I will tell you what I saw on my end, right now I have some guy called Franky with me I saw get taken onto the seatrain with the most BEAUTIFUL GIRL HER EYES GLOWED LIKE MY LOVE FOR HER!!" Sanji exclaimed and Hiriko heard someone growl loudly.

They all saw Luffy glaring at the wall "Um you okay?" Hiriko tapped him on the shoulder.

"Huh why?" he said cluelessly.

"You just growled and you were glaring at the wall" Hiriko explained, and he still seemed confused.

"I did?" he asked, and they all just left him alone.

Later on, Luffy left with Zoro and most of the Franky family, I hope they don't do anything stupid.

Back to Lily "Long nose!" Robin yelled while touching the window I see Usopp, but he has a mask and a red cape on, and he is holding an octopus in his hand, wait how is he staying on the side of the ship?

I opened the window and help pull him in "Why are you here?" Robin yelled at him while he sat down in the seat across from us.

"Hey calm down, let's have some coffee" he picked up a kettle that is on top of a trolley but Robin yelled at him again, so he put it down and sat back in his seat.

"I am the sharpshooting King, Sogeking nice to meet you" Usopp spatted out a bunch of nonsense "I'm here to save you both, Sanji and Franky are kicking butt Luffy is also on his way on a second train" the last part made me happy.

"How is everyone from galley-la?" I asked concerned while standing up.

"They are all okay and Iceburg is alive some of them are with us to" Usopp explained making me sigh in relief, Iceburg is actually alive thank god.

I fell back into my chair and relaxed "Thank you I'm so happy" I said while trying to wipe my tears of relief but it was hard doing that with these cuffs on.

"Well here are octopus shoes" he showed us two pairs of them "Use them to climb outside of the ship."

"What about?" I held up my hands showing off the cuffs.

Usopp was gonna answer but Robin interrupted him "Why? I left you guys."

Usopp stood up and walked into the pathway between the seats "Iceburg told us your reason why you did it? We all know."

"I still can't" Robin refused.


"Now we know who your enemies are we will stop them for you!" Usopp tried convincing her.

Robin stood up "I don't want you to save me!"

"Robin don't lie," I told her.

Someone knocked on the door "We are getting closer to Enies Lobby" its the one who sucks up to Lucci.

Usopp hid in Robin's cloak, but he had to keep his arms out, and he keeps making the weirdest of poses I have to cover my mouth, so he doesn't hear me laugh.

"What are you looking at?" Robin glared at him because he wouldn't leave.

"What she's stretching?" I told him like its a normal thing.

He turned around and walked away to leave us alone, but he stopped by the door, he then walked back to us "Usopp stop moving her arms in such abstract ways" I whispered.

He came back and Usopp made an x sign with his arms when he asked if there were pirates other than us here.

Usopp's leg moved showing off three legs underneath Robin's cloak "COME ON!" the guy now is leaning way to close to Robin and I can smell his gross breath from here.

Usopp jumped out and aimed his slingshot at the guy, he ran for it but Usopp used his attack before the guy could get far. He was knocked out but the light from the attack blinded me and once I recovered I saw Robin going to the door and opening it while Usopp begged her not to while hanging on her arm.

I ran over to them "Robin!" I looked at her like she was crazy, like seriously we just let them know Usopp is here.

"OHH! ROBIN-SWAAN!! HI LILY-SWAN I'M THE WONDERFUL CHEF SANJI AND YOU MAKE MY HEART BEAT!!" he spun on the spot and exclaimed all those words.

"What?" I said just plainly confused by what he said.

"Good to see your okay Lily and that must be Nico Robin" Franky smiled at me and then stared Robin with curiosity.

"I will take care of these guys, and then we can leave," Sanji told us.

"Sanji you need more people, all of them put together they will crush you" I warned him.

Some hands sprouted holding me in place and sending Usopp forward at Sanji "Huh? Where do these hands come from?" I looked at them as I struggled against them.

"What are you doing Robin-chwan?" Sanji jumped out of the way of Usopp, so this must be Robin who is doing this.

The hand disappeared from my body but the ones on Robin grabbed me, so she could keep me by her side "I'm sorry" she whispered so only I could hear.

The hands all disappeared once she moved her own arms "Words are meaningless to you people" she complained.

Lucci laughed like a maniac "Franky cut third car loose! So we can escape!" Usopp told them making both Franky and Sanji confused.

"Please go!" I yelled the rest of cp9 will probably act soon to stop them from escaping they need to go while they still have the chance.

Kaku commanded Blueno to stop them but Usopp used something called a smoke star to make smoke in an instant.

"That's stupid" Kaku complained while coughing.

"Well, it's working" I replied as I felt someone pick me up.

"I have Robin" Usopp yelled.

"I have Lily-swan!" Sanji exclaimed while running Franky had a little celebration they all jumped to the next cart as Franky broke it off.

We were stopped by that stupid whip Kalifa uses she used it to stab into the cart so it's still attached to the train. Sanji and Usopp tried defeating them but Robin intercepted them.

"At this rate, they are gonna get killed," I said worried for their safety, Franky then used his strength to try, and break the wall so I helped with what strength I could use, we broke the wall making us end up in the second car with cp9.

"Just go escape Robin!" I yelled at her.

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