Pocky Game - Bodil40

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For @TheNightlyWriter

-(Y/n)'s POV-

As I on my way home from school, I see some couple doing the pocky game or as you called 'kissing game'. One of the player that play pocky game, puts one of the pocky side in his/her mouth and the other player bites the other side. The players bites on each side untill they were kissing to get the last bite. I dont know why people were doing that lately. I keep that mind away from my mind and keep walking home.

-The next day-

-(Y/n)'s Apartment, Saturday at 17:00 PM-

"Come on (Y/n)!" Martin (Bodil40) said, hugging my waist "No Martin! I don't wanna do it!" You said trying to get you off from Martin. Why does he want to play that pocky game? Anyway Martin is my best friend and roomates since I'm living alone in my apartment. My parents paid every month by sending some money to me. Martin lets go of my waist and sits on the couch which is behind him. He pulls me to his lap and he hugs me from behind "please?" he whispered to my ear seductively and kiss my neck. My face heating up as I held back my moan "F-fine..." I say.

He let go of my waist again and puts me beside him "works all the time." he says with a smile and leave the room to get Pocky, leaving me on the couch, blushing. He returns and held a Pocky flavored vanilla, my favorite flavor (A/N sorry if you don't like it). He does know what's my favorite. He sits beside me and puts one of the Pocky side in his mouth. I put the other side in my mouth "Are you ready?" he ask me, I blush and nod.

He start chewing the Pocky and I start too. I keep chewing it and closed my eyes tight. After a moment, I felt his breath on my face. My face were warm and red and I felt something soft and warm on my lips. I grab his sunset color tie and hold it tight. Fireworks starts to explode in my stomach. He was kissing me to get the last piece of Pocky, but this is different. He was kissing me with passion and love.

He lift me up, not breaking the kiss and puts me down on his lap, facing him. I wrap my arms around his neck as he held my waist with his right hand to bring me closer while the other one cups my face, deeping the kiss. After 2 minutes of kissing, we break apart to get some air, my face were five inch apart from his.

He removed my hair from my face and placing it behind my ear. He lean down and kissed my forehead "I guess I win, eh?" he said, smirking. Then I relize,

I didn't get the last piece.

"I guess so..." I said, a little dissapointed "Hey, don't worry, you'll win next time okay." he said, trying to make me better "okay" "Oh, (y/n)! Did you know that I love you so much?" he ask as he pulled me closer to him, I'm still on his lap "No, but I know that you need me on your side" I say, smiling at him.

"One last question, Do you wanna be my troller girl?" He sang "Oh yes, I wanna be your troller girl" I sang back and kissed him again, smiling.

'Do You Wanna Build A Snowman?' is the title song. I hope you like it @TheNightlyWriter :3

Anyway, see ya later my Flamerz



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