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You got home after walking with Jungkook. It felt like a dream. You will be dancing with the new cute guy AND walking home with him every day after school. After getting ready for bed you felt the urge to go to school tomorrow. Wow, that's a first. You suddenly got intense butterflies thinking about him. You started to realize he will be by your side almost all the time through the week. Holy shit. This must really be my senior year...

It was now the next day. You arrived at your locker confused that your friends weren't there. Whatever you will see them in class anyway. You opened your locker but it suddenly was slammed shut. "What the fu-" You were interrupted when someone swung you around. Your back was now leaning on the locker. You looked at the boy staring deeply in your eyes. You were so deeply startled you words. Jungkook? JUNGKOOK?? Why is he right in front of me this way? This is so weird. "Y/n." He said in a low voice, slightly deep. Oh my..."Jungkook?" He smirked as he looked to make sure there was no one in the hallways. He put his other arm against the locker trapping you in between his arms. You were beyond confused. Why is he appearing in front of me like this when we basically just met? Am I attractive to him or something? He leaned in making his mouth right next to your left ear. "Meet me after class in the janitors closet." He whispered seductively. U got shivers down your spine as he walked away putting his hands in his pockets. WHAT THE FU- *bell rings*

After class, you told your friends you were going to the bathroom. They didn't go with you because they needed to study. You walked in the hallway trying to find the janitors closet. You looked the opposite way of the wall for one second until you were pulled into a room. You looked as Jungkook was shutting the door quietly, locking it. What is happening... He turned around smirking with his head slightly up showing off his jawline. Oh my god...he's so sexy. "Don't say anything. You dancing yesterday made me realize you are the only girl In this school I have an interest towards." He confessed caressing your hair as he was leaning closer, and closer, and closer to the point where he couldn't move any closer. "Jungkook I li-" You were cut off as he smashed his lips against yours. He immediately put his right hand on your upper left arm and his left hand on your right thigh, sliding it closer to your area very slowly. His touch started to drive you mad as you started to feel the adrenaline to the point where you couldn't resist anymore. You took your hand out of his grip and then put both behind his head, feeling the back of his hair. You were both breathing heavy as you both were getting hornier as time went. He's getting closer. His hand, it's almost there. Closer...closer...please. As he was about to become right on the money and unbutton your jacket, the bell rang startling you both. You looked at each other knowing you had to leave before people fled the hallways. As you looked in his eyes you were yearning for more. His eyes were so pleasing to look at all you wanted to do in that moment was to pleasure him. Whoah, maybe the hanky-panky is what I've low-key wanted all along. Just with someone right. You started to analyze your past thoughts about love as you both were getting redressed. Just as you both came out, people started to rush out of class heading for lunch.

You eventually met up with your friends as they had worried looks on their faces. "HEY! WHERE WERE YOU!" Jihyo shouted. "Oh my gosh be quiet." You chuckled looking at her and all of them. As much as you wanted to tell them, there was no way you were opening your mouth about it at school. "I will facetime you guys about it tonight okay?" They nodded still looking slightly worried. As you guys sat down with your food you were were now able to fully contemplate on the situation that just happened in there. The fucking janitors closet. Wow. You were a bit disappointed though. As bad of a place it was, you wanted to finish. Really bad. You weren't sure of losing your virginity yet, but you were certain you wanted something. You guys' just met but the thought of having him around you all the time this year makes you think maybe it's the right choice. Maybe this is really going somewhere. Or am I getting played?...

After class ended you waited for the class to leave as usual. You and Jungkook immediately shot glances at each other. You both walked down to the dance room smirking to yourselves. You both danced. You danced in front of him and he danced in front of you but this time it wasn't just "showing" it was like you guys were trying to seduce each other. "Hey, why don't we freestyle with each other to a new song I found." You asked him. "Okay." You put the song "High" by SIVIK on. You both started dancing separately looking at each other in the mirror but progressively got closer and started dancing together. The dances started getting more intense and sensual. The song ended and you both blushed. "It's getting late we should walk home." You said. You picked up your bag and as you were about to walk out the door he grabbed your wrist. "Give me your phone." He demanded. Startled you pulled your phone out and handed it to him. "Here's my number. Call me when you want to finish what I started." You looked at him after he said that. He stared into your eyes, smirked, then walked out the door. "Wait up!"

Dance the Night Away [jungkook]Where stories live. Discover now