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After Klaus' private moment, I shall continue as it is my solemn duty to tell the story of the Baudelaire orphans.
The sun had risen and the children were prepared to rescue Camille to the IN Auction.
Jerome was really sad when he knew about Esmé, but when they went to the Herring Houdini, they put something in his glass and has been constantly passing out around the house. Anyhow he sent the children in a limousine to the place where the auction was taking place.
When they arrived they saw a very unpleasant face even though it was a familiar one, Mr. Poe... I reference to him as unpleasant as the children actually have seen him that way since he gave them those horrible news on Briny Beach, but as we know the Baudelaires are too polite to say it directly, even though all of them know that it's true; even though he's not the most diligent person we know deep down he is kindhearted but as I've tested in all of my years of traveling and meeting new people, I can tell you that being smart and well-read is more important, because if we talk about Mr. Poe, he's really stupid and even though he's good, he has not been able to see what is in front of him.
Anyhow he waved at the Baudelaires as they crossed the door and then his glare landed on the Quagmire triplets. He stood up and met the children in the middle of the room.
"Are these Dennis and Iphigenia?"
"Duncan and Isadora!" Duncan corrected.
"Yes, yes, but ho-how?" He asked astonished.
"The Baudelaires found us" Isadora said interlocking her fingers with Klaus, (I suppose something really memorable happened yesterday night) and surprising their siblings that were trying not to laugh in front of Mr. Poe. "And we had no doubt they were going to, after all, they always do the adult's jobs."
Before Mr Poe could answer, Esmé appeared on the stage and said excited, "The most fashionable event is about to start, at the Innest hour in the Innest place... It's the IN Auction!!"
The orphans rolled their eyes and decided to sit. They were hoping that whatever object it was they hid Camille, it was going to be related to Count Olaf, so that'd help.
"Object #1... an autographed poster of the star of this month city manhunt, Count Olaf..." Gunther said with his fake accent. No one bid for it, of course, not until they added a pack of gum, so everyone started bidding for it, something that annoyed the supposed Gunther.
The time passed and it was object #48's turn, when they moved the object to the stage, suddenly, everyone heard a melody going out of the Red Herring. (A/N: The video in the description is the melody Camille played, and that happens to be her and someone else's favorite.)
Klaus and Violet immediately recognized the melody, after all, it was Camille's favorite song for the harmonica, and then they understood it was her inside the Red Herring, so they decided to intervene and rescue their sister. In the meantime when the Baudelaires were planning to rescue Camille, the Quagmires themselves experienced a nostalgic sensation, they didn't noticed at first but there was something about the music that made them slightly sad.
"Now, it's time for object #48, a beautiful statue of a red herring." Esmé announced. Then nervously added, "and it includes a beautiful melody with it."
One of Count Olaf henchpeople started bidding for it, but the Baudelaires did too, until... Mr Poe forbid them to go higher, at this point it was almost sold to the henchman but Olivia and Jacques came through the door and continued the bidding, but Klaus could not take it anymore and decided to stand up and followed by Violet they directed themselves to the stage.
"Listen, please!" He pleaded to the audience.
"Gunther is not who he says he is." Violet added.
"He's Count Olaf in disguise and he kidnapped our sister Camille, after we rescued the Quagmire triplets from his clutches." Klaus announced, receiving a gasp from the audience.
"What? What are you children doing up here?" Esmé asked nervously but trying to be calm, she tried to shove them down the stage but they opposed and stood still.
"And we haven't tell you the worst part..." Klaus stayed. "Here Esmé Squalor, the 6th most important financial advisor, it's working with him..." at this point Klaus knew how to win all of these rich and fashionable people, by thinking like them and using their vanity against them. "She's working with Count Olaf, that is a dangerous fugitive, wanted for murder, child endangerment, fraud, arson, kidnapping, personal space violation and others, and last time I checked being a criminal wasn't IN." With this he received a loud general gasp and afterwards screams of panic.
Everyone just started running outside like a river of people and the Quagmires were the salmon, they got brought out of the auction house with Sunny in their hands, leaving the two Baudelaires to fight against Olaf and Esmé.
"Let go of our sister now!" Klaus insinuated.
"And why would I do that orphans? Olaf said mischievously.
"Because there's a city manhunt going on now and the police will be here anytime." Violet said confidently.
"I, wouldn't be so sure." And suddenly the henchpeople grabbed Klaus and Violet.
"Darling, we should be going now." Esmé announced while she opened a trapdoor on the stage's floor and everyone got inside it while Violet and Klaus were left tied up.
"Klaus?" Isadora called entering to the venue.
"Violet?" Duncan shouted after Isadora.
"Here!" Violet and Klaus yelled.
Klaus was crying as well as Violet as they kept thinking about Camille and if they'll ever see her again.
Mr Poe entered with the police following close behind.
"Baudelaires! What happened? Where's Count Olaf? You said he was here, even though I never saw him." Mr Poe asked.
"He got away, and took Camille with him..." Klaus said with tears in his eyes.
"Oh my dears, how sorry I am about your sister!" Mr Poe gave them an apologetic smile.
"We'll try to find your sister." A police officer announced.
"In the meantime, I'll have to take you to a new guardian, and this one will accept all five of you." Mr Poe said.
"We're not five!" Klaus shouted desperately.
"We're six Mr Poe. We have to find Camille." Isadora said giving a reassuring squeeze to Klaus' hand that was too worried to correct Mr Poe.
"Well, of course. But now you're five orphans that I have to take care of. So now, let's go."
It makes me sad to have to tell you this after many times of repeating the situation. But the Baudelaires found themselves in Mr Poe's car again; this time sadly it was without one of their own. And luckily there were two joyful triplets to accompany them along their journey, that once again I beg your pardon, has not ended, YET.

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