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After the Baudelaires went through multiple guardians and most of them tragically died in hands of the adversary that always seemed to follow them everywhere they go and unluckily no one could notice his many disguised appearances, Mr Poe finally decided that what was best for the Baudelaires was to go to boarding school.

Prufrock Preparatory School was to be the new home for the Baudelaires after the terrible things they had suffered.

A lovable uncle scientist being poisoned;
A scared and often panicked aunt thrown to Lake Lachrymose and eaten alive by the deadly Lachrymose leeches, to having to go through such lake in hurricane season;
Working in a lumbermill with nothing to eat except for gum with an owner that even though asked everyone to called him Sir he was not a sir but a total jerk;
That awful optometrist Georgina Orwell and her disguised assistant "Shirley" that hypnotized Klaus into almost doing horrible things as cutting someone in half;

And after all that the children had now to start in a new school.

If you have experienced in your life a first day of school then you can almost imagine how the Baudelaires felt while they were waiting in a bench outside the principal's office. Little did they know that as the past events, this time they would spent in this sad and dusty school would not be less tragic.

"I feel like we've been sitting on this bench for months" Violet said looking lost at what was ahead of them.

"Yeah, I know" Camille added. "Sunny's starting to look more like a toddler even"

"Yay" Sunny said as 'yes' to Camille's comment.

Suddenly a little girl —with a dress in a extremely shining hue of pink— that was tap dancing rather than walking went into the Baudelaires direction and said, "Hello Cakesniffers." with a look of self-importance.

"Hello, umm..." Violet began, but she was rudelyinterrupted by the girl's imitating her 'umm' mockingly.

"Umm umm" she started. "Are you a blithering idiot?" The redhead asked with annoyance clear in her voice "Everyone knows I'm Carmelita Spats" she stated as if it was indeed obvious.

"I'm Violet Baudelaire and these are my siblings Klaus, Camille and Sunny" Violet told her while Sunny waved at her innocently.

"What does cake-sniffer means?" Klaus asked, as he didn't know what a word meant for once.

"It means you're stupid cakesniffers, but I'm the most special girl in the whole school" Carmelita stated rudely. "I'm supposed to give you a tour" she said sarcastically happy. "This is Vice-Principal Nero's office. He's a genius. He likes me best" she continued, as she signaled towards said office. "I don't have to wear a uniform 'cause I'm too adorable."

"Come on." She finished while she left tap dancing with the Baudelaires running behind her.


A new school should be a place to make new friends or to learn things, not a place where some girl bullies you and makes fun or you.
On the other side of the bench the youngsters had been sitting for what seemed months even though it was a couple of hours, we can see, who I'm sure you already know will be the Baudelaires first friends and sure thing they'll be inseparable, well not entirely.

"I feel like we've been sitting on this bench for months." The boy with perfectly arranged hair said, mimicking Violet words.

The Fourth BaudelaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora