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Nadia didn't get to see the sunrise on the lake with Mr. Stark and his daughter, solely because he had been up the entire night before and then proceeded to drag the girl out of bed and into his fancy sports car to drive them to the compound because he had found it. He, Tony Stark, the smartest man in the world, found a way to use the Quantum Realm to get everyone back.

So now she sat in a conference type room with the rest of the Avengers, discussing the information they had as a plan was in the works. "So the how works," Steve began, standing at the head of the table. Nadia sat beside Scott, watching Tony pace behind him, "Now we just have to figure out the when and where. Almost all of us have had an encounter with at least one of the six infinity stones."

Tony, with a playful smile, mumbled, "I'd substitute the word 'encounter' for been near killed by one of the six infinity stones." Nadia felt a grin slide onto her lips. Her entire body buzzed with hope, and she couldn't contain her excitement. They were getting them back.

"I haven't," said Scott, shrugging his shoulders and looking adorably naive, "I don't even know what the heck you're all talking about."

They ignored him. "Regardless, we only have enough Pym Particles for one round trip each, and these stones have been in a lot of different places throughout history."

"Our history. So not a lot of convenient spots to drop in," Tony added.

Clint Barton, who had recently joined them, spoke up from a chair behind Nadia, "Which means we have to pick our targets."

Tony nodded. "Correct." Steve crossed his arms. "Let's start with the Aether. Thor, what do you know?"

Starting with poor Thor was their first mistake. The five years after the snap hadn't been kind to the Asgardian. He had gained several pounds and adapted a drinking problem, along with seemingly forgetting how to use a hairbrush. Thor has launched into a long drabble about his ex-girlfriend and the reality stone, before Tony had to settle him down.

They moved on to the power stone, which Rocket detailed on a planet called Morag. Then, Nebula explained about a place- Vormir- where they could find the soul stone. They already knew that two stones, mind and space, would be in New York, the year when the Avengers has first assembled to defeat Loki and the Chitauri army.

After that, some went home as Natasha, Tony, Bruce, and Nadia figured what to do about the time stone.

"I don't know for sure, but I'm gonna guess and say the Ancient One had the stone in 2012.." Nadia told them, tapping her pen against her leg, "Which means there's three stones in just New York City." Tony and Nat were sprawled out on the table, staring at the ceiling as they thought, Bruce on the floor doing the same. Nadia paced on the opposite side of the room.

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