"Sorry, Aggie, I want to, but my magic isn't strong enough either," Twilight frowned, "I didn't see any spell in my library that can do such a thing. I think Starlight can do that, if only she's here.""

"Well, she's not here, and we can't go back home yet. The time capsule is still charging," Aggie then turned to Discord amd Screwball, "Discord, Screwball, you have chaotic powers. Can you do that thing I said earlier?"

"As much as I want to, girl, but I'm afraid we can't do that," Discord said.

Aggie puashed for a while, then said just one word with a glare,"What?"

"Sorry, Aunt Aggie, but our chaotic powers can't do that thing. Sure we can make chaos in Equestria, but transporting something big like Titanic would be too much," Screwball admitted.

"Not even our unicorn horns can do that," Rarity added.

"Okay, then, Equestrian magic won't work either," Aggie still thought of another option, "How about Woo-Foo powers?"

"We can't. Titanic's too much," Yin answered.

"Combo Niños?"

"We're not enough," Pico, Paco's guardian, said.

"The Force?"

"The Force can't even destroy the Death Star," Luke reminded.

"Vampire powers?"

"We're not quite strong for this ship," Drac replied.

"La Merte? Xibalba?"

"Only we can bring death to life of humans, not a ship, not even a flick of a finger can save the entire ship this big. Sorry," Xibalba shrugged.

"We might be gods, but we're not in our world to use our powers anymore, La Muerte added more information.

"How about your magic, Aggie?" Eeyore implied.

Aggie looked at her wand staff as she frowned, "Unfortunate news, guys, my magic is not strong enough either."

"Why can't we just save all the people, and leave the ship to sink?" Lumpy suggested

Aggie then slammed her fist on the table, "NO! I won't allow it!" Her reaction startled the I Team, "Not only we have to save the people, but we have to save the whole ship. I know it's too much, but we can't let this ship that we kinda called home to sink. Besides, can we even save 2200 people onboard?"

The team wanted to answer the same answer at the same time, but they're not really sure if that's the correct and final answer, so they shook their heads down, and sighed in defeat, "No."

"See? If we want to save all of these people, we have to save the whole ship. That's our mission! We have to save the Titanic!" The winged human reasoned.

"Do you have another better idea, Aggie? Because we're running out of options here!" Kowalda, Kowalski and Kelda's daughter, crossed her flippers.

Aggie had her hand under her chin, and thought, "Actually, I have," she lifted her wandstaff, and released a scrolled paper from it. Aggie unscrolled the paper, and put it on the table for the whole team can see it, "I have a printed picture of the Titanic that I printed before we left, and kept it here. The thing here is the Titanic, and yards away in front is the iceberg. When the lookouts reported about the iceberg ahead, the officers will alert the men in the engine room to speed up the ship. We can't just sit there, and let them do their job, we have to help them. All we have to do is to turn this ship around the iceberg than lifting it."

"And how are we going to do that?" Baby Sylvester questioned.

"The swimmers should go down the water to the bottom part of the starboard, the right side of the ship, to push the ship to the left. Okay? To the left. Then, the Main division and I will fly to the starboard to push the ship to the left, and the Honorary and Back-up division will go to the port, the left side of the ship, and pulled the ship to the left, giving enough strength to turn left."

Operation: Save The TitanicWhere stories live. Discover now