Emotionless Ali

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Noone's Pov-

Ali hit her head on the wall as she jumped out the portal.She looked around and saw two girls her age staring at her."OMG ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!"A fox said to her.Ali stared at her."Where am I?"Ali said to the fox "nd who are you?""Sorry we didn't introduce ourselves i'm Mangle!""And I'm Foxy Jr!."Ali didn't say anything and she started to get up."Who is she and what is this girl doing here?"Mangle whispered to Foxy Jr."I..Don't know maybe she came from another dimension?"Foxy Jr said looking at the wall.

"What should we do with her?"Foxy Jr asked."I don't know?Show her around?"Mangle whiperes back.
As they were talking Ali looked in the mirror.She had the same hair color but a little darker on top.Then she noticed her eyes were...white.They had no shine and they looked plain...Ali didn't really care so she sat on the couch.

Mangle looked at Ali's eyes and gasped.She never thought a kid that young would turn emotionless...

"FOXY JR COME QUICK!"Mangle yelled to her."Yes?""OMG!!!!"Foxy Jr yelled out as she saw Ali's eyes."Ummmmm kid what's your name..?"Foxy Jr said with a smile.Ali looked at her which was scary because her eyes had no color nor emotion...

"My name is Ali...I am five years old...."Mangle looked at Foxy Jr then looked at Ali.So Ali where do you live and how did you become emotionless?"Mangle asked her.Ali sighed and looked away."I live with Bryan in his pizzarea but i dont know how i became emotionless."

Mangle anf Foxy Jr gasped.The last time they went to Bryan's pizzarea was a couple of months ago and they really liked it there.Mangle and Foxy Jr felt very bad that Ali was five and emotionless.Five year old's should be having fun and starting school.Not being boring and sad all the time...

"Foxy Jr let's try to get Ali's emotions back!"Mangle said smiling.Foxy Jr nooded"sound like a plan.

"So our first lesson to get your emotions back would be to smile!"Mangle said to Ali."So think about something that makes you happy.Ali kept the same face she had the whole time.Blank and empty...Mangle sighed she knew she wasn't gonna get anywhere with trying.

"So your next lesson is to look sad!"Foxy Jr said.

But no matter what emotion they tried with Ali she kept the same face...Blank and empty with no emotions.

Foxy Jr and Mangle gave up.They relized who ever made Ali emotionless REALLY broke her heart.Mangle and Foxy Jr decided to bring her back to Bryan's pizzarea.So they made a portal and left.

Memories ol Memories!Who remembers those girls?I do...I really miss them! But they stopped youtube 😭Anyways please subscribe to the TheFamousFilms who made the Fnaf rp and shoutout to his actors too!Next chapter is gonna be Bryan's POV when Ali left.Btw Ali was not herself so she talks better.

Anyways enjoy Summer Break if you are outta school!


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