B O N U S C H A P T E R 1

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Turning back towards the room where all four women are already dressed, I look down at my satin robe. "I think I need to put the dress on."

"I think so too, sounds like Axel is going to charge in here if you don't." Brooke says, her eyes still wide with the threat of Axel charging in here.

I laugh and nod in agreement, making my way over to the grand white closet that stands in the right hand corner of the room. My dress hangs off of the top of it, preserving it for when I put it on.

"I'm gonna fall in it or something." I laugh, trying to hide the fact that what I've just said is a genuine concern of mine.

"No, you're not. C'mon, lets do this." Emma supports, before she begins gently taking the dress off of the hanger.

Slipping into the fabric that hugs my skin, I breathe out a breath of relief when the dress zips up properly.

Proving that Rob was right - the Chinese two days ago was a risk worth taking.

Turning round, Emma and Brooke grin at me whilst my Mom looks on the verge of breaking down. Again.

Axel's Mom comes and places both of her hands on my arms. She looks me in the eye as she says, "I'm so glad my son found you."

Love glows like fire from my fluttering heart, igniting my veins in a feeling of belonging. "I'm so glad he found me."

Axel's Mom smiles before walking away, muttering about ruining her make-up. A knock on the door stops me from letting my amused chuckles slipping past my lips. Brooke walks to the door, her burgundy dress swaying around her heels as she oozes confidence.

"She's right here, I hope you've got your tissues ready." Brooke distant voice says before letting my Dad walk into the room.

I'm drawn aback by his outfit as he stands decked out in his tuxedo. Hair gelled back, my Dad's usual t-shirt seems to be a distant memory for today - thank god. Reaching out, Dad places a hand on my shoulder, giving me a watery smile.

"You too?" I groan, frustrated that everyone is emotional apart from me.

"Can't help it, Honey. You look beautiful." He nods. "Now are we ready to go? I'm beginning to regret giving Axel permission to marry my daughter."

Yes, Axel did ask my Dad for permission to marry me. Old fashioned, sure. But my cheeks hurt from smiling whenever it's brought up because I never would've pinned down Axel to be traditional like that. His gesture meant more to me than I think he'll ever know.

"C'mon old man, let's get you down that aisle." My Mom says, smiling cheekily at my Dad when he glares at her.

"I'm not old."

"Your daughter is getting married, so yes you are. But she won't be getting married at all if you don't hurry up." My Mom ushers.

Turning to Emma and Brooke, I hug both of them before watching them head downstairs to where the ceremony is being held. My Mom runs out of the room a couple of moments later, eager to get her camera ready.

With my Dad and I remaining in the room, my Dad offers me his arm and I take it with a shaky hand. Making our way out of the room, the walk is quick and before I know it, all that's separating me from my future husband is a pair of oak doors.

"Nervous?" My Dad asks, glancing at me with our spare ten seconds.

"I just want to see him." I reply honestly, squeezing his arm.

"Lets do this, then." My Dad nods and the doors open, letting Brooke and Emma walk through in front of us.

The music filters through my ears, light and classic. Taking my first step into the room, my heels echo against the hardwood floor as my lips part with love at the sight of the room.

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