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When I got to the hallway my locker was on I saw my brother and gave him a hug and kept walking

I got to my locker and seen that the rag doll walk passed me and rolled her eyes at me I giggled at the fact that she was a whole hater

I picked my things up of the ground and heard my brother call this hoe sister so I got petty

"So we calling the Opps Sus now"

I thought it was funny til he built up the courage to say "We fucking the oops so why should it matter"

I was confused on what he was talking about I walked a little closer to make sure I heard him right

he repeated what he said and I asked what he was talking about

he then said he knew I fucking podie I was so confused on where he got that idea from and why he was being rude asf

I was just tired of him I asked why he thought that and his reason was just stupid asf

I went to my locker and got his shit out my locker since we was sharing a locker

I had no fucks at this point so I threw his books down the hall and told him to tell his new sister to put them in her locker

I was so damn heated I didn't even feel like going in class

I jogged down the steps and went to the seniors hall bathroom I sat in their on my phone til the bell rung

I got my books and walked out looking at my phone

I wasn't paying attention and I bumped into this boy causing me to drop my books

he helped me pick them I told him thanks and walked off he was cute asf but I had no time to be fucking with no seniors

I walked upstairs and spotted Aryah I gave her a hug and we walked to class

she asked what had happened between me and Ant and I was confused on how she knew about that

she told me that ugly hoe came in the class talking shit about it to Ant loud as hell in class so that meant the whole damn class knew

I told her what happened and of course she was on my side because I don't feel like I was wrong

podie walked up to me and gave me a hug and I hugged back

I went into class and sat in my assigned sit that was next to Ant why tf we had to sit by each other after we done got to arguing

cause I know my mouth and I was bound to say some rude shit

I just tried to ignore him but that didn't work cause he was talking shit to his friend throwing shade the whole time like a bitch

he would say stuff like "don't ever call a hoe your sister cause she fucking the oops" or "hoes ain't loyal even if you call her sis it's just a label"

I got tired of him so I checked him I asked "how I was a hoe and what opp I'm fucking cause only person I fucked was twin bet he ain't tell you that"

he balled his fist up and got out his sit like he was finna hit me I knew he wasn't so I kept saying hit me if you bad

that got podie attention and he got up and started walking towards us but Aryah grabbed him cause if podie was to get a hold of him we all knew what would of happen

the teacher sent us to the counselors office and told us to go talk to her

I got up and walked to the counselors door and went in I sat there until she said something

"Hello Kay what seems to be the problem today ?"

"Mrs. Read sent me in here because we had a problem in class"

"And what was that?"

"Well my use to be play brother said something earlier this morning and we had to sit by each other in one of our classes and he kept say things that were false so I said something back to him and he tried to fight me"

"Well im going to write a note to the teachers letting them know to separate you two do you wanna tell me a bit more so can handle this better "

I took this as a chance to vent so I told her almost everything

"Well the new boy with the tats on his face and golds and stuff"

"Yes I know who you are talking about "

"Well we became friends and my brother and him don't like each other so he didn't like the fact that I was getting close to him so we got kinda distant but recently this weekend we went to a party and podie beat up one of Ants friends which is my ex so I guess that's a reason why he so mad at me "

"Can you tell me exactly what he said this morning "

"He said that I was F-ing the opps"

"And who are the oops "

"Podie "

"Oh I see the problem,well is that true?"

"That's a negative he's just like my best friend "

"Well Imma be honest I seen y'all around and I kinda thought y'all was a couple to"

"But we're not "

"Okay I see what it is Ant is jealous and also upset with you it's like you replaced him with Podie and he feels abandoned plus he already doesn't like him as much so that's causing a bigger problem the reason he's upset with you cause it's like you let him down he called you his sister cause he expects you to listen to his advice and things like he's your real big brother which I can understand but this seems more like he's trying to protect you could you maybe discuss what he could be protecting you from or do you know"

"Yes I know exactly what he's protecting me from but I don't think he knows I already know what he's protecting me from "

"Could you tell me what it is"

"Sorry can't discuss that information "

I got up and walked out I knew what was wrong with Ant but I think I should let him know I know what's going on he's trying to protect me from podie and the gang stuff but I already know that

he told me I should let him know but I don't want him mad at podie even more so I'm just gonna wait on the right moment

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