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I got home and took a long bath and listened to my music

I started to think did i make a mistake what if that's all he wanted what if he went back and told all his friends and what would my brother do if he found out

he would kill me I started to cry at the thought of these things especially if he was to tell everybody I don't know what I would do

I got out the tub and wrapped my towel around me and did my skin care routine and put my hair up in a ponytail

I was getting tired of these braids so I was about to take them down

I rinsed my face and put on some black leggings and a yellow Nike sports bra and started taking down my hair

I was half way done and was so happy about my new grow

I already had really pretty hair but it was longer

after playing with my hair I put it in a ponytail and did my edges I was just going to wear it down tomorrow anyway for school it was now 7:22pm and started to get sleepy but I got a text from Twin

Twinn😑💙: you had fun ?😂

Shorty 🥵🥰: Yep

Twinn😑💙: Ight just checking up on ya babygirl see you tmr

I started blushing and I watched a few YouTube videos and then fell asleep

Next Day:

I woke up and put on a pair of leggings and a black nike sports bra and a nike wind breaker

I did not feel like putting on clothes I took my hair out of a ponytail and it fell down wavy like I wanted it

and I did my edges and put on a nike headband

I was way outta dress code but I didn't give two fucks

I walked to the bus stop and gave my brother a hug I loved him so much we got on the bus and was headed to school

I was so ready to see twin I walked in the gym and waited for him to come out the boys locker room

while I waited I talked to Aryah for a while for she can catch me up on how things with her and Red was going

she was so happy and was talking more than usual

I wasn't paying attention I felt hands around my neck and when I turned around I seen twin

he pulled me in for a kiss by my neck and we were tongue kissing

I had to stop myself because people were staring

luckily Ant was still in the locker room or he would have blew on me

I sat down and twin put his arm around me

I looked up to see miss old nappy weave walking up to us

I had no time so I looked at the hoe like what you want she came up making a whole damn scene

"Damn really twin you just move on this fast you hoe and I can't wait til she see the real you that's why yo dick small anyway "

I bust out laughing knowing the last part she said was a whole bold face lie

she looked at me confused but I was laughing to hard to say shit back

I guess me laughing made her mad and she turned around and walked away

the bitch wasn't looking for nothing but to argue

you have to laugh in bitches face like that we got called to go to the lunch room but I didn't like going in their

Puppy Love 🥀Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora