Chapter 23- the day bethany gets over herself

Start from the beginning

“The plan isn’t to kill her is it? Because I know I’m a badass but I don’t want to waste my life in prison” he replied in 40% seriousness

“No, it’s just she thinks that you guys like her better than me, which I kinda believed so we made a bet”

“Sky you really think we like her more than you?”

“Well she said that you guys just feel sorry for me and-“

“Don’t listen to her, okay she is just trying to intimidate you”

“Okay” I whispered. He gave me a hug. We broke the hug when Tristan and Connor showed up.

“Hey what was the big emergency?” Tristan asked

“Bethany wants to know who you guys like better… Sky or her” Hunter stated before I could say anything.

“Is this a joke?” Connor asked seriously

“No, and she won’t leave me alone until we settle this” I replied

“What do you mean she won’t leave you alone?” Hunter asked drawing his attention to me

“This morning she called me a slut” I mumbled

“S-“Hunter was about to say something but then the witch showed up.

“Hey guys” she said happily.

“Okay we like her better can we go now” Connor asked already walking back to the car.

“Look guys you don’t have to do the pity act here” Bethany said which made Connor stop in his tracks. He started to walk over to Bethany but I stood in the way.

“Look Bethany, I know you have a hard time getting this into the tiny brain of yours but now that we’re telling it to you straight… WE. DO. NOT. LIKE. YOU!” Hunter explained. I looked over at the other guys as I covered my mouth preventing me from laughing but turns out I wasn’t the only one who had a hard time not laughing. I looked at Connor and Tristan and they were facing each other covering their mouths and turned around so no one could see them laughing. You could hear them snorting and every so often they would let out a laugh because if they didn’t they would probably explode.

“Whatever” Bethany said walking away.

“Will you leave us alone now?” Connor called out from behind her

“F*** YOU!” she yelled back.

None of held back and we all cracked up laughing. Forget about what I said earlier, this was the best day of my life.

“Well that was interesting” I said trying to breath

“Let’s go on the swings!” Tristan yelled sprinting towards the swing set.

“Shotgun on the other swing!” I yelled taking my place on the second swing

“Push me Connor” Tristan squealed like a six year old girl

Connor sighed and went over to push the impatient Tristan.

Hunter walked over and pushed me while you could hear Tristan and Connor having a childish conversation on the swing next to mine.

“Higher” Tristan yelled at Connor still imitating the six year old girl.

“Honey if I go higher you will fall off and get a booboo and I refuse to kiss it better” Connor said imitating the mum.

“But muuuuumm” Tristan whined

“I said no and no means no” Connor pretending to be serious.

Hunter and I burst out laughing and I laughed so hard that I fell off the swing.

“See honey that is what would have happened if I pushed you any higher” Connor (the mum) explained to Tristan (the six year old girl)

I just laid there and thought about how I ended up here.

 // i had heaps of fun writting the Tristan and Connor scene. let out a few laughs... i know im lame but hey i updated so you should be happy right? right.

- well the moral for this is i guess dont dought your friendship because people will get in the way sometimes and i think of it as a test of your friendship, so if you pass that test, you guys were obvioulsy meant to be friends.

- i know this is really cheesy but i like having a moral to the story and im going to keep doing that weather you like it or not... hope you liked it though.... Bethany is out of the way now yay.. or is she....-leah ///

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