Chapter 2

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Ryne awoke before dawn, which was not unusual, but this time, he awoke with a smile on his face. He quickly washed up, made coffee and went out to start on the barn work. He made quick work of it, so he could get into town for supplies, and maybe a chance to "run into" Corinne.

He hadn't slept well the whole night, thinking of her and her sweet nature. Ryne was sure she could be a handful if she had to be, but for the most part, and he'd only spoken with her a few times, she was the salt of the earth.

The other picture he couldn't erase was the one of her giving that rug what-for. He had to approach slowly to fix the changes that scene had worked on his body. The woman was, well, a real woman. He knew he was a few years her senior, but he hoped that wouldn't be a problem. He also knew he was already a few steps behind, as she was being courted by the Assistant Banker.

Thinking about her made his barn work pass quickly, and he finished well before the sun had come up completely. He went back inside for a cup of coffee and some breakfast. Afterwards, he saddled his horse, and road into town with a short list of items running through his head. Some were necessities, others were niceties, or just things he liked having on hand. In another week, he'd have to hitch up the wagon to get lumber for the new barns and outhouses that needed building.

He saw the one person he didn't want to see: Becky Breckenridge. She seemed to have an eye for him, but he found her snooty and unable to carry an intelligent conversation past the weather and the local gossip. He was not one for that nonsense. He ran from the biddies who wanted to know everything about everyhing, and could tell you anything about anyone.

"Well, hello, Mr. Wilkinson. How are you this fine day?" She smiled too wide, and her eyes were too close together, with one eyebrow where there should've been two. She was pretty enough with those acceptions, but she still made him want to giddy-up his horse and dash away before he had to be pleasant.

"Fine thank you. How are you, Miss Breckenridge?" He tipped his hat, hoping to get away with casual greetings before he was on his way.

No such luck. Becky tapped him on the shoulder, trying to make small talk. "So, how are you doing out there all by your lonesome on that ranch. I'm sure you could use some company." The one eyebrow went up and wiggled suggestively, making his stomach flip and threaten to empty onto the sidewalk. The sudden thought of Miss Corinne keeping him company at the ranch on the other hand was quite appealing. His face must've brightened, because Becky leaned in grinning that broad, toothy and gummy grin at him.

"I get along just fine, thank you. I have hands who help with the work, and I love the solitude. Sorry, Miss Breckenridge, I need to take my leave. It's been, er, nice, talking to you. Good day!" Tipping his hat yet again, he didn't wait around to hear her pleasantries. He had to get to the store and head out before she decided she wanted to tell him things that didn't matter to him. Just the thought of being married to her made his stomach revisit the feelings from moments ago.

He walked into the tailor, asked for Vern Abernathy, and waited until the elderly man was finished in the back with his current customer.

He didn't have to wait too long. Vern and Maude walked out with none other than Corinne. His smile beamed across his face and his heart started hammering against his sternum before his brain could register his reaction. "Good afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Abernathy. Miss McAllister, how are you today?"

"Just fine." Corinne blushed. It was only then that he realized her mother was with her. "I was ordering the dress for Samantha's wedding. How are you today?" When she raised her right eyebrow, and it only was noticed because of Becky, it was seductive and sultry, making his palms sweaty.

Heart of a Cowboy (Heart of Colorado #1)Where stories live. Discover now