Chapter 21

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(Mark's POV)

"Thank you so much for coming over on such a short notice. I know all of this has been really crazy but I promise we'll bring things back to normal once we save (Y/n). I seriously can't thank you enough." I spieled to Tyler who stood at the doorway. Tyler smiled softly, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Dude, it's alright, I understand. We're all worried about (Y/n) and I'm glad I can help in some way." He said, patting my shoulder.

"Uggghh barf, come on, I don't have all day." Anti groaned, coming out of the living room.

"Like what?" Jack asked rolling his eyes, crossing his arms. Tyler's eyes widened as he took a step back. He fumbled with his words, pointing at Anti shakily.

"W-w-w-what did you do to Ethan!" He shouted, marching over to Anti, who was currently in Ethan's body, grabbing onto his shirt, slamming him into the wall. Anti chuckled, locking his eyes with Tyler.

"Wouldn't you like to know." He chuckled sinisterly. Tyler's grip tightened. Jack gave me a look and we both acted, thinking the same thing. We grabbed Tyler's shoulders, pulling him away from Anti who just snickered, taunting Tyler to retaliate.

"I know it looks bad but this is the only way we can get (Y/n) back. Ethan volunteered for this." Jack told Tyler who was steaming through his ears. Tyler stopped resisting, letting go of Ethan's, well, Anti's shirt. He stood there silently, tense.

"What, the cats got your tongue?" Anti taunted, Jack groaned, rubbing the bridge of his nose.

"I know this is a lot to process but I promise Ethan is perfectly safe. It won't last long, we just needed him to help find where Dark is hiding." Jack explained a little more. Tyler muscles relaxed, I sighed in relief, letting go.

"Well, let's get this over with. The faster it's done, the faster he can leave." Tyler stated sternly, walking into the other room, obviously upset.

"Oh ouch, I'm hurt, I truly am." Anti said, placing his hand against his heart. "I don't think I can continue with this kind of toxic environment." My heart froze, we were so close. I went to speak up but Anti beat me to it.

"I'm just kidding, I don't give a shit. Let's get this party going before I get bored." He chuckled, walking carelessly into the living room as well. I sighed, giving Jack a look.

"It's our best bet." was all he could reply as we both made our way into the living room...

(Your POV)

My head pounded as I slowly woke up, trying to adjust to the bright lights. This wasn't supposed to happen. I'm a borrower, we're supposed to be hidden, not communicate with the giants yet here I am, who knows where just because I was stupid enough to get caught. Maybe it was a mistake to stay.

"And who might this lovely little creature be?" A warbled voice spoke above me. It sounded like Mark but it was like his jaw was broken. I heard a sigh from a familiar voice.

"Nothing you should be concerned about at the moment." Dark spoke up, irritation laced through his words. It felt like my headache was getting worse. The floor, well probably table I laid on vibrated as thunderous footsteps exited the room, a door slamming echoing through my ears. I groaned in pain.

"Shhh darling, go back to sleep." He sung softly, his warm breath breezing over my body. My heartfelt ready to burst, my fist tightening. I needed to get out of there but my body made no effort to move as much as I screamed it to do something. There was nothing I could do, my eyes were glued shut, my body immobile, my mind to frenzied to even think of a plan. The only thing echoing above all the chaos my mind created was his sickening voice, sleep; and that's what I did...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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