Chapter 2

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Author's note

Sorry that I haven't posted or updated this story. I lost the doc which had all my work and I got very far into the story and was going to post it when suddenly it disappeared and I tried everything to get it back but nothing.  Also I couldn't think of a way to continue the story and thought about quitting the story, I know I'm being slow but please bare with me I'm thinking of ways to continue.


Sora's P.O.V

After (y/n) went to bed her uncle turned off his game system, giving us all a break. I sighed and must have spaced off for next thing I know I hear Donald screaming. Startled I fell backwards and landed on my butt.

"Ow, what was that for?" I asked as I pulled myself back onto my feet and looked at my friends, usually the king, Riku and Kairi would come and we would hang out till (y/n)'s uncle woke up but I didn't see them.

"You were spacing off again." Goofy said as Donald tapped his foot in annoyance which he's been doing a lot now since I've been starting to slip up.

"Was I?" Suddenly I felt Donald's wand hit me in the back of my head. Quickly I placed a hand to the back of my head and mouthed ouch.

"Ever since you saw (y/n) you've been actin off." Donald finally spoke, now maybe he won't hit me again.

"Everytime her uncle plays you miss hits and end up dying! But when she's in control your faster and never miss a hit, Sora we know ya like her, but ya need to remember what the king said about that." Goofy placed a hand on my shoulder. I gulped and gave them a sheepish grin.

"Yeah what the King said." I hate to admit it but I forgot what he said.

"Looks like he forgot again."

"Typical Sora." I glared at Donald and sighed.

"It's not like I meant too!" We then started to laugh but was soon interrupted.

"Your majesty!!!" Suddenly I felt the weight of Goofy and Donald on me and my legs giving out underneath me. I looked up to see the King and he didn't seem so happy.

"Sora, you seemed very distracted today." I was about to say something when Goofy interrupted me.

"That's what we said!" Quicky I opened my mouth, but closed it do to having Donald to interrupt me.

"Seems like he forgot what you told him yesterday, again." Donald looked at the ground and I could tell that they were slightly disappointed in me. I looked to the king and he shook his head, his face twisted with worry and disappointment one which I hated to see.

"Sora, I know you like (y/n) we all do, she's a nice gal. But if we were to go to her world, the heartless, nobodies, unversed, and well of all Organization 13 would follow and she would be in great danger. And you don't want that do you?" I sighed, he has a point but it's not like she would go down without a fight, but without a keyblade she'll be easy prey for them and I wouldn't be able to live with myself if she got hurt or worse.

"And another thing. If we were to go, if you got hurt or killed you would stay dead! There would be no reset and we can't risk it." My shoulders feel as the words sunk in. Suddenly I had an idea.

"What if we brought her here?" I gulped and suddenly I regret what I said as the king shook his head and sighed.

"It's still to dangerous and besides she has a family. What would they think if she suddenly disappeared." I groaned, which got a few laughs out of Goofy and Donald. After the lecture I wanted to be alone so I walked off and found a quiet place to think. Looking up at the place where I last saw (y/n)'s face I felt a small tear slip down my cheek.

"I'll find a way, I'll think of something." 

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