Chapter 29 - The Rogue?

Start from the beginning

"Thank you." (Sora)

I got ready to step back so that Sana could be gauged, but I was suddenly stopped by Alienor.

"However, I think it's bad to try and falsify your mana capacity...wouldn't you agree?" (Alienor)

She whispered into my ear so that only I would be the one to hear her words. I simply shrugged her off, and walked to the side next to Sana. However, right when she started walking up, she stopped mid walk.

"Sana?" (Sora)

There was no response, and she didn't even react when I waved my hand in front of her face. When I looked around, it seemed that everything had been completely frozen in time.

"Hello Sora-kun~!" (Aiko)

All of the sudden, I was tackled from behind and knocked to the ground. I didn't even have to question who it was that had done this, because I already recognize the voice.

"Goddess-sama please get off of me." (Sora)

I complained to her as I stood up from where I lay. Even as I stood up, she still clung to me, and even though she was small and light, it still through my center of gravity off a little with the new weight on my back.

"I got your message! I tried checking into it like you asked, and you're right. Earth isn't supposed to be experiencing anything like this for at least another 600 years. I tried getting in touch with the overseer here, and he wouldn't respond to me. So I think he might have gone rogue and forcibly advanced civilization until it got to where it was today." (Aiko/Goddess)

"Well if he went rogue, can't you just do something about him easily? I mean you gave him the power, so just take it back." (Sora)

"Sadly, it is not that simple. Yes I gave him the power, but that was many millennium ago. I can tell he spent some time training up his divine abilities. Although, he isn't as strong as I, he has made it difficult for me to locate him." (Aiko)

"He's powerful enough to be able to do that huh? Then does that mean I wouldn't be able to stand a chance at fighting him?" (Sora)

"Hmmmm....I think it would definitely be a close fight. I mean, you're both essentially equal in terms of power from your physical bodies. However, he stopped training when his power got to around your level right now, and then started training his divine skills exclusively. Plus, if you were to remove his divinity, then you far outrank him. However, because of the divinity he's trained up, it seems that even with it being a close fight, he has a higher chance of winning." (Aiko)

"Eh? So how are we supposed to stop him from messing with this world any further?" (Sora)

"Well...I was going to wait until you finished adventuring around before handing you the power of divinity. Ya know, make you do some work before you earn a paycheck type a thing. However, I suppose for now I can just give you the power of divinity for now...but remember this, it is simply a loan. I will be taking it back after he's been subdued." (Aiko)

"I guessed it might be like that. Since I'm sure you've had people who have abused their power, you want to make a person work for it first." (Sora)

"That's right. At first, I gave it randomly. Then I had to dispose of them and change my strategy, so I tried a contest. I would take souls from all over creation, and give it to the winner. However, that failed too so I decided to stop being lazy with it and started to actively search for people that I believe would be worthy and Noble enough to not abuse it." (Aiko)

"Sorry to say Aiko-sama, but no matter what you do, there'll always be someone who abuses the power you've given to them." (Sora)

"Very true...Sora?" (Aiko)

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