"We set up one for Alec, each guy Russo, and their plus one." My father said walking in from work
"Brody's girlfriend" I said
"Yeah Stephanie might be coming." Ronnie said

"Okay" my mother said and Ronnie walked up the stairs.

Courtney looked at me.
"Do the Russo's like me?" She asked
"They usually don't talk to you, because they don't know you...but Tristen's a heart surgeon so two you could maybe get along." I said

"Good luck with Zariah on his ass, he doesn't talk to any woman unless she's a patient." Dominic said and Robbie laughed
Courtney sighed and kissed her cheek.
"They'll be fine when we get married." I said
"Yeah, because we won't be fucking talking to you, when you decide to get married." Ashley said
I flipped them all off and my mother sighed. Courtney shook her head and I rubbed her back.

Ronnie walked down the stairs.
"Are Barlow's are coming too?" He asked
"All, but Brandon." My mother said
He nodded and walked up the stairs.

Two Hours Later

Gwen's POV
I rubbed all my pets heads as Alejandro and I were on our way to New York. Our friend DJ, who a professional chef was taking care of the animals. We walked to my car and I drove us to the airport.

The Next Day

Duncan's POV
I was at work and texting Courtney. She was telling me about the clothes she was wearing as she wanted to impress the Russo's. I laughed as she said she just had too. I looked at my desk and saw the picture of us, and smiled. I texted her I love you as she was in the middle of telling me something.

Gwen's POV
I woke up around 12:30 and I groaned and dragged myself out of the hotel bed. Alejandro was sitting there and looked at me. He asked me if I was ready and I nodded. We walked down to the rental car and I drove to the museum that was opening up.

Three Hours Later

Gwen's POV
I was walking around the museum and I was tearing up it was amazing. I hugged Amanda and she put her arm around me. The people looked at me and smiled. We went to the third floor and it was breathtaking.

"So we don't want people coming here once and never come back again, so we will have a theme cycles, different paintings and pictures a changed every four months, special events, and if you're up for it maybe sometimes you can come and speak or teach classes." Mrs. Montgomery said

I nodded and she smiled.
"Your opening tickets were sold out in eight hours." She said
I smiled and I was so excited. Alejandro saw me and laughed.

Five Hours Later

Duncan's POV
It was 8:41 on the couch talking to Tristen, Valentine, and James after dinner. Dominic, Robbie, Randy, and Ashely were talking to them too. Brody and Ronnie were upstairs in Ronnie's room. Courtney was hugging me and I put my arm around her and kissed her cheek.

"I love you" I said
"I love you too." She said

My parents, Alec, and Courtney's mother Connie were laughing together. Both boys came running down the stairs. We looked at them.

"Yes?" My mother asked
"Gwen" Brody said
"What?" Alec asked
"Gwen's on tv." Ronnie said

"What?" Alec asked
"Channel five" Brody and Ronnie said
Ashely grabbed the remote and went to channel five. It was on a commercial.

"Nice one Ronald." Dominic said while putting his arm around his wife, Meredith.
Tristen laughed and we all watched the commercials.

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