Chapter 3

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Shawn's P.O.V
As footsteps creep closer to the door, I take it as my cue to get the hell out of there.
However all time comes to a stop when Y/N walks in the most dazzling smile known to man... one that makes my stomach somersault in a don't-compare-Lola-and-Y/n way yet also manage to make my knees buckle.
When noticing my awkward self clutching to the kitchen counter like an idiot, she regards me with a lazy grin, "Um...? Sorry to disturb you but your blocking the fridge."
My brows furrow. "What?"
"Water. Thirsty. Need I go on?" She deadpans, cocking a carefully plucked eyebrow.
A long shiver shoots up my spine.
Her voice - scratchy yet cold as ice...
Oh God.
"Oh yeah! Totally! I was getting some water too!" My throat rumbles a chuckle like an awkward-ass prepubescent teenager.
Great. I internally facepalm.
Smooth as fucking hell Shawn.
While mentally beating myself to a pulp things couldn't be any more awkward as a heavy silence looms the atmosphere.
And of course, like some kind of freaking legend, my phone suddenly bursts out into a sing-song, worst of all it being my own song! I swear I'm going to get Derek back for this! What a-!
Y/N's lips crack into a sly smile as I fumble with my phone, "Looks like the rumours are right. I can assume the others are too."
Her gaze then trails down.
I follow her lead and burst into a brilliant red when it lands low.
"Careful Shawn, wouldn't want to leave that person on hold forever now would ya?" She calls after me, venturing past the door frame.
Reluctantly, lean the phone against my ear.
"Hello? Babe?"
"Hey handsome, what are you doing?"
Her purr makes me roll my eyes, "Dishes." I lie.
"Hmmm... That sounds fine. But you know what I'd like to do tonight?"
"No... What?"
Her voice turns hush, "You."
I force myself to chuckle, "Ha... Flirtatious like usual."
She giggles, "Nothing wrong with a little sensenaulity. My house is full. Yours is empt-"
"Full! It is very much full! Has the most company I've seen a while let me tell you!" I heave a massive sigh of relief when I cut her off.
I can practically see her pout as she lets out a little whine, "Oh... Okay." Her voice suddenly softens, causing my heart to pound in a painfully sweet rhythm. "Babe, I miss you."
Without even realizing I find myself speaking gently too, "I miss you two... I wish you were here."
She sighs, "Yeah, me too."
"Okay, bae, I have to go now. Bye."
"Bye hun."

A twinge of guilt lines my stomach.
God I love my girl, but she can be really forward...
"Calling Lola?"
My face turns paper white when Y/N pops back around the corner.
"Y-yeah. How did you know?" Here I go again, stuttering like a 2nd grader.
"Kinda obvious. Afterall, Lola has always been a little..."
"Overbearing." We fall silent after saying the word in sync.
A part of me wants to jump a little that someone understand what it's really like, yet another part of me is decking myself for letting my guard down.
Y/n clears her throat. "Well then, I'll be going now..."
I scoff. "Yeah. At this rate I was worried you were stalking me."
She sends me one final glare before exiting the house.
I need to start being more careful... Otherwise I think this girl, y/n, might become my problem.

Y/n's P.O.V
Man. Hearing Shawn talk like a baby in his disgusting puppy-love was gross!
Why on earth did I just have to eavesdrop on that one!?
God, my brain is going to be haunted with that raunchy imagery forever!
At least hanging out with Aaliyah and Camila made this whole experience bearable. Without them I probably would've dug myself into a pretty deep grave of embarrassment.
Too bad I had to leave...
Crap, I should've given them my phone number.
I pause for a moment, thinking.
Maybe I can give my phone number to Shawn tomorrow so that Aaliyah can have it. And then, tomorrow during class I can give Camila my number in person.
Hopefully that dimwit Shawn remembers to give it to her...

~The Next Day

Beep! Beep! Beep!
Ok time to get ready for hell - I mean school.
Ha, who am I kidding? It feels like I'll be eaten alive in there, but the least I can do is remain optimistic.
Hopefully today will be a good one...

~At School~

"Why the hell won't this open?" I puff, staring at my code closely. Oh! "Stupid me.. I forgot to rotate my lock an extra time. Oops."
Suddenly there's a loud echo that sounds down the buzzing hallway.
What the actual fuck?
I peer around my locker and gasp when I see someone holding their face. Thanks to my dumb luck, it looks like I managed to smash my locker in the face of an innocent bystander.
"Oh my gosh I'm really sorry! Are you alright?" I scurry over to his side.
He nods lightly, slowly removing his hands shrouding his face which in doing so forces a gasp out of me.
Cameron Dallas?
The school's top fuckboy?
What the heck is he doing all the way over here?
Gracefully, he whisks himself to his feet. "Hey um... Sorry about bumping into your locker like that!" You nearly cooed as he giggles, "Anyways, I wanted to know if you want to come to my party tomorrow?"
I was about to refuse when Camila comes swinging in out of nowhere and intercedes, "We would love to Cameron, it would be fun!"
I give her a major death glare.
"Cool. Can't wait to see ya there!" He smiles, strutting down the hallway.
Once earshot distance away, you turn to Camila. "Camila...what was that for?"
"Y/n we have to go...please for me?" She pouts.
God I hate it when she does the puppy eyes.
"Fine I'll go...wait do you have Aaliyah's phone number?

Camila's P.O.v
I'm going to give Y/n Shawn's phone number...instead of Aaliyah's.
"Yup! This is Aaliyah's number."
hehe I'm loving this.
Y/n smiles widely. "Thanks you're a lifesaver!"
Am I feeling guilty for the lie? Maybe...
Am I still going through with the plan anyways?
Hell yes.

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