Offender x Kagekao

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Requested by ColinOkumura43
Hope you enjoy this shitty oneshot!

Offender x Kagekao

Wine and roses

Prompt thing: Kagekao wants to do something sweet for Offender. So Kagekao gets Offendy some roses and Offendy repays him with some wine cuz they're both sweet lil beans ;3

Kagekao's POV

"Ugh...." I mutter, pacing around my room. I sigh.

"Come on Kagekao. Its not this damn hard! I'm an idiot." I grumble, sitting down on the floor of my room.

Now you may be asking, 'what is this wine loving son of a gun so stressed out about?' Well, I want to do something really sweet for Offenderman since Slender's brother's moved in, but I can't think of what and its pissing me off that I can't think of anything.

"God fucking damn it." I mutter unhappily.

"Maybe he won't really care what I get him..?" I shake my head.

"Probably not... He might just toss it out. Whatever it is." I sigh. I look down.

"Ugh! Why am I fussing over something as little as this?" I complain. I stand up.

A sudden knock on the door makes me jump. "Who is it?" I sigh.

"Dude, you okay?" Jeff's voice rings out. "I heard you mumbling."

"I'm fine."

"Okay..." He walks off. I sit on my bed. I swear to god I'm gonna fucking break something if I don't think of something. I take off my mask and set it next to me. I groan. I glance at the clock. It was nearly lunch time.

"Maybe something to eat will help me calm down." I mumble. I grab my mask and slip it back on, flipping the hood of my jacket up over my messy black hair. I exit my room and trot downstairs into the kitchen. It was actually quiet for once except the chatter coming from the living room.

(I spelled the loving room the first time god damn it XD)

"Jesus christ...." I look in the fridge. Nothing. I look in the freezer. Nothing but waffles. Toby's name was written on the outside of the box. I shut the freezer and look in the cupboards. No food.

"U-" I was about to groan but then I see my precious.

"WINE!" I exclaim, trying to reach for it. I was too short.

"I hate being 5'4.. Damn it Slender.." I continue to try and reach for the bottle.

"Come on! Damn it!! Yknow what fuck it." I grab a stool and then climb on top of it, grabbing the precious wine. I hop down happily. Slenderman comes in and 'sees' me with the wine.

"Kagekao, what are you doing?" He asks.

"I wanted some wine..?"

"How did you- Oh. Kagekao I put that up there for a reason." He sighs.

"And? That reason is?"

"To keep it away from you."

"..." I look down.

"Ugh. Fine." He sighs. I smile under my mask.

"Thank youu!" I walk past him happily, hearing him let out a quiet laugh of amusement. I trot back up to my room and sit on my bed. The door was left open a little bit. I lift my mask up a little, opening the bottle.

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