Chapter 31.

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After the encounter with Batman the rest of the day went on rather uneventful for me. I knew the police was busy, so I didn't mind them not paying attention to me and focusing on getting Harvey back instead.

In the early afternoon, I noticed a lot of movement in front of my door and peeked my head out to see what was going on. Someone passing by was nice enough to inform me that they had information of Harvey's whereabouts and were preparing to break in the space with all available forces.

My eyes widened as I thanked the man and disappeared back into my room.

They knew where Harvey was? Would Harvey still be alive? It had been almost 24 hours since his disappearance.

Instinctively I searched for the walkie-talkie given to me by Batman and once the chaos in front of my door had calmed down I held onto it even more, expecting Batman to get involved with the whole project the way he always did.

The hours passed by like that and I couldn't help but pace around my room and take a look out of my window every now and then.

When the sun had already set and the sky was tinged in a blood red shade with the slightest hint of orange, the building started to get livelier again.

Not wanting to be in anyones way, I remained in my room. But I was too anxious to do anything other than looking from my door, to the window, to my walkie-talkie and back.

Then finally, after god knows how long, the door to my room was unlocked and Ramirez stepped inside, just like the day before.

"Gordon needs to talk to you." She told me and I stood up right away.

Leading me through various hallways, we ended up in front of a door with a label saying "Interrogation room 4" on it.

I swallowed and Ramirez opened the door for me and waved me inside.

To my surprise I wasn't being led to the inside of an interrogation room, but to the side where investigators could listen to the interrogation taking place without being seen from the other side.

And even more surprising was that in the room was not only James Gordon, but also Batman waiting for me.

I looked to the side, through the glass and into the interrogation room, and froze in place.

Sitting on a chair in the dimly lit room was the Joker.

I noticed Gordon moving out of the corner of my eye, but I was too scared to move an inch. When he finally put a hand on my shoulder I jerked away from him.

I stared at him for a second before I realized what I had done.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

"Everything is fine. I didn't expect you to react that strongly to him." Gordon admitted and sent me a reassuring smile.

"Me neither." I mumbled and avoided to look at Batman who's eyes seemed to bore into me again. I was convinced he could read my thoughts if he wanted to. "So what did you need me for? Did you find Harvey?"

Gordon shook his head and glanced at Batman before looking back at me.

"We've been interrogating the Joker ever since we got here and he hasn't told us anything aside from saying that Maroni is responsible for Harvey's disappearance and not him. He knows you're here and he wants to speak to you. Usually we wouldn't risk this, but given the circumstances..."

"Which is exactly why we shouldn't let her speak to him." Batman interrupted Gordon and Gordon sighed. It looked like they already had this discussion before I entered the room. "He knew she is here when no one else aside from the officers working here are aware of it? And even fewer people know her real identity. Maybe some of your people are working for Maroni." 

"You know that I vouch for the people in my unit, but let's assume that what you're saying is true. I don't see a reason why we shouldn't let her speak to him. She's save here." Gordon argued and Batman's silence hinted at him doubting his last statement.

"So what do you say?" Gordon finally turned to me when he felt like the discussion with Batman had come to an end.

I turned to look at the Joker once more. I still felt the blood freeze in my veins at the mere sight of him. He had known that I was here. How?

But I came here to help find Harvey and if he wanted to speak to me, I should do it right?

"If there is any possibility that my conversation with him could help the investigation, I'll do it."

Gordon's tense facial features relaxed a bit at my answer and he rested his right hand on my shoulder once again.

"Thank you. I know this must be frightening to you, but we'll make sure you're safe, don't worry." He ensured me and I nodded.

"I know, thank you." After I looked from the man in front of me to the one in the corner of the room, I took a moment to sort my thoughts. "What do you want me to say?"

"There is nothing in particular. We don't know what he wants from you. But if there is a possibility to get any information on Harvey's whereabouts out of him, we'd appreciate it if you could use the opportunity and make the most of it."

I nodded and let my eyes wander to the Joker another time.

"Do you want me to go in right away?"

"If possible. But take as much time as you need to prepare yourself."

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My mind was blank. There was no use waiting for the fear to fade, because it never would.

"Now is okay. I'll talk to him." I announced. Gordon nodded and led me out of the room into the hallway to the heavily secured door.

"When you're done talking to him and want to end the conversation, just get up and we'll let you out. And if there is any sign of danger we'll get you out right away. Don't worry. You can trust me." Gordon assured me with an earnest look. His blue eyes looked so bright in our dark surroundings that I would have believed him anything.

"I trust you."

A smile appeared on his lips as he nodded one more time, before they opened the door for me.

As the heavy door was pulled to the side, the Joker appeared in my line of sight. 

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