Chapter 19.

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What Rachel told me soon proved itself to be true. Just a few weeks later I received a package with another absolutely stunning dress and an envelope in which I found the official invitation to Harvey Dent's fundraiser.

Sighing, I stood in front of the mirror that Saturday, with expensive fabric ensheathing my body. Once again our whole department was invited to the party and I decided to go although Mary and Dean had profusely insisted that I would not do so.

I had felt relieved when I approached them again and they told me they understood my situation and were happy I was back to normal after avoiding them for a while. And today we were all going to the fundraiser together to have a good time while Bruce was paying.

As all kinds of thoughts ran through my head, my doorbell rang and I knew it would be my driver picking me up. I grabbed my clutch and made my way over to the car after locking my door. If there was one thing I knew it was that this time, I would return home by myself.

Since the fundraiser was taking place at Bruce's penthouse once again, the ride took a while and my nervousness increased with every meter we got closer. When we arrived I hurried into the building wishing that I would be invisible to all the reporters as I had been the last time arrived here. But now people were surprised to even see me coming close to Bruce's house and honestly I couldn't blame them.

I had not seen Bruce even once since our fall out and I guess it was better that way. But it also made me anxious. I knew seeing him would stir up some leftover emotions in me and I was afraid of finding out how I'd react to these feelings.

Not that I'd make a scene or anything, but I didn't want to spend the night in the restroom. I was here to regain my pride.

The others and I had agreed on meeting up in the lobby where it would be easier to find each other than in the massive ballroom. I got some weird looks from other bypassing guests, but it didn't take too long for both Mary and Dean to arrive, so I didn't mind. We got into the elevator and rode up to the penthouse where the fundraiser would be held.

When the doors opened we were greeted by an even greater number of people than the last time we had come here. But just as last time, Alfred greeted us with a drink.

"Good evening Ms. Benton. It's a pleasure to see you again." He said with a polite smile while handing me a glass of champagne.

"It's good to see you again, too, Alfred."

"Ms. Dawes asked me to tell you that she has already arrived and asked if you would be as polite as to go find her if you have the time." He added and I raised my eyebrows in surprise. I had not expected her to be so persistent about it, but I guess Harvey was just as unfamiliar with these kind of events like us, so a little help from our side, even if we just stood silently side by side, would be enough.

"Oh alright. Thank you, Alfred." With that I turned back around to Mary and Dean who were already screening the room for snacks.

"Guys we have to do someone a favour, let's search for Harvey Dent." I announce and Dean's eyes looked like they were about to fall out.

"We...are going to look for Harvey Dent?" He asks me slowly and I nodded. It's a widely known fact that he admires Harvey and his work, so even being here at a fundraiser for Harvey Dent is already a huge deal for him.


"Why?" Mary chimed in and I shrugged.

"I met Rachel a few weeks ago and I promised to keep her some company while we're here."

"You mean Rachel, as in Rachel Dawes, as in Bruce's childhood friend? The one we met last time? The friend of the person you dated just a few weeks ago?"

"Exactly her." I sighed and continued to search for her in the crowd of people with the others tagging behind. I knew they thought this was stupid, but they didn't know what Rachel and I talked about and that she was actually on my side.

After I had looked at what felt like every person in the room, Mary finally spotted Harvey and Rachel close to one of the windows standing by themselves.

Rachel looked relaxed and smiled happily, while Harvey was smiling as well, but you could see the insecurity in his eyes. I nodded towards the others and we slowly fought our way through the crowd.

"Hey!" I smiled reluctantly. I knew that Rachel didn't dislike me, but since I didn't know her that well it still made me nervous just to approach her like that.

"Jane! You really came!" She exclaimed and opened her arms to hug me.

I hugged her back and motioned towards Dean and Mary.

"I brought Dean and Mary along, I hope that's okay with you." I laughed, fully aware that they wouldn't mind at all.

"Sure, the more the merrier." She joined in and greeted them as well.

"This is Harvey, but I guess you all know him already with him being the purpose of this fundraiser and all." She finally introduced him and pulled him to her side.

"Rachel..." He grumbled, but managed to smile at us anyway.

"It's so nice to actually meet you in person." Dean spoke up and Harvey raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It's my pleasure. I rarely get to know normal people anymore with all the thugs I have to deal with." He joked and we all laughed.

"Although this isn't really the place where you'd find normal people either." Mary added.

"True. I guess I'm lucky." Harvey agreed and pressed Rachel's hand lightly. "Rachel told me you work at Wayne Enterprises?"

The question was directed at me, but since I brought Dean and Mary along he extended the question to them as well. I took it upon me to answer for all of us.

"We do. We work in the Research and Development department." I explained and he nodded.

"Sounds exciting. Wayne Enterprises produces all kinds of things so you must have a lot of room for creativity."

"We do get requests most of the time, but if we don't have any specific task to work on we do have the freedom to work on our own projects." Dean replied and I exchanged a surprised look with Mary. We didn't expect Dean to be so talkative since he had been so nervous.

"Sounds like a dream, not something I would have expected from Wayne..." He started his sentence, but Rachel elbowed him in the side, and shook her head to shut him up.

"I know, I know, he's not as bad as he seems." Harvey rolled his eyes and I laughed. "You dated him, right?"

"Yeah, but not very long. I'd still say that he's not a bad person though." Mary shot me a death glare and Dean sighed deeply. Harvey chuckled when he noticed.

"Where is he anyway?" Mary interrupted us and Harvey looked at his watch.

"Only heaven knows. He's already 30 minutes late to his own party though." Rachel shrugged. "That means he'll probably come soon."

Not long after she said this, you could hear the noise of a helicopter approaching and since there was only person missing, it had to be him.


Hello, hello.

I know it's been a very long time again, but I haven't abandonded the story!
Thank you for all the reads and comments and messages though, they really motviate me to write much more than I can motivate myself most of the time. My life is still stressful and doesn't give me much time to write, but I promise one day this story will be finished and I hope you guys continue to be patient with me.

I also know these author notes are annoying but I always feel the need to explain myself, because I know there are a lot of you waiting, so sorry about that xD

Bad, I'm better [Bruce Wayne]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें