chapter one.

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"I don't believe it! Merlin, congrats Prongs!"

James Potter grinned proudly, pale hazel eyes sparkling excitedly behind his glasses, and planted a sloppy kiss onto his wife's cheek, wrapping an arm around her waist as the others  turned away, groaning loudly in protest. "Get a room, won't you?" complained Sirius Black, pretending to gag obnoxiously.

"What a prude, Padfoot," teased James, flicking his friend good-naturedly on the forehead. The boy merely shot him a nasty look, fighting to conceal the smile that was threatening to slip onto his face.

"Blimey, two little Potter children!" exclaimed Moody, his magical eye swiveling to focus intently on the new parents. "That isn't a great idea with this war coming in, huh?"

"Aw, don't be such a wet blanket, Moody," James replied, taking a large sip out of the bottle of wine on the kitchen counter. "Our kids will be proud to have their mum and dad be two war heroes, won't they, Evans?"

Lily snorted, letting her head fall back onto his shoulder. "Don't call me Evans."

"Oh, we're so happy for you, Lily!" exclaimed Marlene as she burst through the door. "I'd love to babysit anytime- I love children."

Alice nodded enthusiastically in agreement as she followed behind. "Owl me if you need any help, Lily, I'm always here for you."

Lily smiled at them gratefully, and James gave them a bright grin before downing another glass of wine. "James," scolded his wife, "You're going to get drunk, you buffoon."

"That's the point, Evans," drawled Potter, pulling a lock of her hair affectionately, and she rolled her eyes.

"Don't call me Evans."

"Oh, and also, Sirius, Remus, and Peter," Lily began, "All of you are helping James and I this weekend to decorate the babies' room. You know I don't have a single ounce of interior designing talent in my blood, so I'll need all the help I can get."

"Do you really think we're any better than you are?" Remus pointed out. "We'll just make things much harder for you."

"I know," admitted Lily Potter with a small grin. "Still, come on over."

"Wormtail would be pretty good, though, won't he?" Sirius said casually, and Peter glanced his way. "He's got some impressive art skills." Wormtail said nothing, but a small smile formed on his face.

The Order of the Phoenix had been invited to the Potter household, not to analyze a murder or brainstorm ideas to defeat Lord Voldemort, but to eat, drink, chat, and celebrate the oncoming birth of their two twin babies. Lily and James were two unbelievably proud parents and, in their opinion, nothing could ever go wrong, right?

They knew that their love would keep them together, no matter what, and so Lily and James Potter weren't afraid one bit.

* * *

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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