Just a kiss

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Her pink hair... Why did it smell so good? Why were her eyes so bright and full of life and love?

I sat at the kitchen table, chin propped on my hand as I gazed over at StarFire who was reading a fashion magazine.

I let out a small sigh, she would never love me... But there was no way I could stop loving her. Just the way she looked drove me crazy. Her lips twitched Ono a small smile at something she was reading, my heart thumping hard.

"I love you." I whispered under my breath. No only if I could tell her that.

"Robin," she said, flipping the page of her magazine, not looking up at me. "Tell me, why don't you have the girl companion?"

I pushed back, surprised. Apparently; I pushed to hard and ended up falling off the chair and smashing into the floor.

I sprung up quickly, hand on the back of my neck nervously. "Uhm, why do you ask, Star?"

"Well. Out of all the time I have known you, you have always been the single." She peered over at me.

That's because ever sense she has came here, I've been in love with her. I smiled awkwardly, "well, I guess I just haven't had time. With crime fighting and working out..."

She nodded, "I think you should find someone."

"Well, what about you?" I asked, sitting on the cushion farthest away from her. "Why aren't you in a relationship?"

She sighed and closed her magazine. "Robin..." She grimaced to her self. "I don't like most men on this planet. It's so very different here." She fiddled with her hands, "I'm used to men being strong, self confident and able to take charge." My heart raced, I was all of those things.

Robin stop. A voice in my head rang. You're getting your hopes up for nothing.

"And it's just hard." She continued. "I mean..." She sighed and dropped her head.

I scooted closer to her and set my hand on her shoulder. "Star... Can I tell you something?"

"Of course." She said with a nod and a sad smile.

"If I told you I lov-" my voice caught in my throat, and I froze, her eyes swirling with confusion. "Lo-" I had never said it out loud to anyone before....

"Robin?" She asked softly, her eyes searching me.

I couldn't say it... But I could show it. I moved my hand from her shoulder and cupped her cheek gently in my hand.

"Robin?" She repeated her eye wide as I slowly moved in to press a kiss to her lips.

The moment seemed to last a life time before I pulled away. I looked her over, her eyes still closed from the kiss.

"Is that really how you feel...?" She asked, looking down at her lap.

"Yes." I breathed, my stomach turning with anxiety. What if she rejected me?

A soft smile lit her lips as she rested her forehead to mine. "I love you too, Robin."

Teen Titan RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now