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In jail. Again.

Why didn't I just switch from bad to good? I mean, it was obviously easier then this. I don't think we have gotten away with anything, so why not just switch sides?

I sighed as I leaned back against the cold hard wall of my cell.

"Jinx!" A guard yelled, "it's your lucky night"

I raised a brow at him as a stood from my bed. "What's that mean?"

"Someone posted your bail." He said as the key clicked in the lock. "You're a free woman."

Someone posted my bail? But who? None of my fellow villains cared enough about me to bail me out... The curiously began to eat at me.

I walked out of the jail cell, and out of the prison, and flew back to head quarters, the whole time trying to figure out who it was who could have bailed me out.

I went around to everyone to ask, but none of them even noticed I was gone for the week and a half I was stuck in that confined room.

I sat in the park, my face pulled together in thought. And then, a note landed on my lap. I don't know where it had came from- or who had dropped it- but there it lay on my lap.

I gave it a curious look before opening it...


Good to see you out and about, keep your of trouble. I didn't get you out just so you could be thrown back in.



Wally... Kid Flash... A good guy bailed me out of jail. All his fellow super heros were to busy finding reasons to lock me away... Why? All of this for what?

As I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my lap, there lay a rose. A bright pink rose, to match my hair.

My heart thudded loudly, my chest tightening. Why would he...

"Pink is one of your favorite colors, is it not?" A voice came from behind me, startling me and making me jump.

I turned to see an extremely attractive Kid Flash standing behind me. I suddenly came very aware of how I looked as I ran a hand over my pig tail.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, turning away from him quickly.

"Shouldn't you be a little more great full to the person who go you out of jail?" He said with a chuckle. "Or, you know, I could easily send you back."

"Hey!" I yelled, turning to him. But he was gone.

I wasn't sure how I felt about him, but there was something about him that made me feel.

Teen Titan RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now