how gangster

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Aubrey: i bet you won't do a double backflip

Fat amy:i am not going to break my beautiful body

Beca: i am not doing that

Flo: i can do that

Cr: not happening

Lilly: Last time my brother tryed i pushed him and he broke his neck

Aubrey:i knew you wereno gangsters like me

Beca:you are no gangster

Aubrey: i am so gangster i wash up with a blue bandana. I am so gangster that they don't call me og they call me triple double og. I am so gangster that i walk around wearing red and i am a crip. I am so gangster i am not im a category of gangster.

Beca: you are not in a category because you are nothing but a
Blond that owns a camp groung full of bears scared of you

Flo: look guys* does 15 backflips in a row*

Cr: now that is gangster

Fat amy: yup

Beca: yes it is

Aubrey: *feeling salty*

Flo:* singing gangsters paradise*
Been spending all my life living in a gansters paradise

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