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Beca walks in the living room where lily is reading a book

Beca:what are you reading

Lily:ways to kill people without getting blood on me

Beca:count me in because jess pissed me off

Lily:  are we going to kill him

Beca: no!

Fat Amy hides in the closet by beca 

Fat Amy:everyone hide

Beca:what did you do

Fat amy: I might have or not painted a butt on her gave while she was asleep

Beca: who

Aubrey screams

Beca: scoot over

They watch as Aubrey comes in the room looking for them

Chloe:No more drinks for you


Chloe: Because last night you an fat Amy started playing swords sword fight with forks an you almost lost an eye

Fat Amy:well at least she could be a pirate

(pitch perfect)imperfectNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ