[Russia x America] Soulmates

Start from the beginning

"It would appear so." Philippines offered curtly, starting to close the door, "Anything else..?"

"Wait--" Russia started, putting one hand on the door to keep it propped open. "But.. I'll die. We're meant to be together. You two aren't; I mean, you have a soulmate too. If you marry him, then--"

"Be quiet, please." Philippines interjected. "I've never been one for the idea of soulmates. Besides, America and I will be connected by the string after we're married. You will not tell him we're not soulmates. I love him, and he loves me. Telling won't do anything but make him upset."

Russia frowned over at her, blinking as if he misunderstood her statements. Giving a small nod, he turned, retreating from the steps. The door slammed behind him, as he glanced down at the ground during the walk home. So Philippines was fine with him dying, then. Perhaps she was right, anyhow. Her and America did have something going on, and just because America found out they were soulmates, didn't mean he'd love Russia back. It'd just make him upset, and make him not want to go on with the wedding.

With the girl he loved.

Russia winced slightly at the thought, like it physically pained him, ready to go home and drown away those thoughts with vodka. Halfway during the walk home, however, he was joined by America. He glanced over to the shorter figure silently, tilting his head.

"Listen, Russia." America spoke after a moment, glancing sideways at him intently. "I've been speaking with Estonia, and I found out that you can see everyone's strings. Is... Is that true?"

Russia swallowed dryly, thinking how ironic it was to be having this conversation now, of all times. "Ah.. yes."

"Is my string attached to Philippines?" America questioned bluntly, "I don't want to see anyone die because of our marriage."

Russia glanced over to America silently for a moment, judging his expression. A million thoughts raced through his mind, each clamoring to be heard and considered, but he didn't have enough time to go through it all. He glanced away, finally answering, "Yes. It is."

America gave a small nod, looking slightly disappointed, which was confusing, but brightened up slightly. "Well, uh, thanks, Russia."

"No problem." The Russian responded quickly, rushing away from America. He couldn't stand to be in the shorter figure's presence much longer, it just hurt too much. Besides, he better prepare for tomorrow, which was basically his public execution. Prevention might be easy, if he told America, although America might not cancel the wedding just for him. Plus, so many people would be upset and disappointed if he did so, the backlash might not even be worth it. Philippines had even told him directly he better not try to off-put the wedding, and going behind her back seemed wrong, even when she was accepting and approving his death.

Quite the mess he had gotten himself into here.

He opened the door to his home, heading to his room to drink until he passed out, getting ready for tomorrow, which would most certainly be the worst-- and last-- day of his life.


America stood at the front of the chapel, watching the front door, waiting for Philippines to enter.

This felt wrong, all of it felt wrong. He glanced sideways at Russia, his best man, who was watching silently, his expression unreadable. America had always thought he'd end up with Russia, who was so easy to be around and be himself around. Then he met Philippines, and sure, there was a connection there, but it didn't seem as strong as the one he had with Russia. He truly cared for Russia.

Than, the previous night, he had gone to ask Russia about it indirectly. He had asked who his soulmate was, and Russia had answered with Philippines. So maybe his instinct had been wrong, after all, and he was always meant to be with the feminine. It felt wrong, but if it meant nobody would die, it would be worth it in the end. Besides, America had always deeply believed in the idea of soulmates. That you'd be happy with that one person, that your soulmate was meant to be your partner for life. Going against that now, just because of a strange feeling he had felt wrong.

Turning his gaze back to the doors, he watched Philippines enter. She looked beautiful in the wedding dress, as she approached the front of the chapel, beaming. Japan watched from the front row, looking elated, but a little upset. Something gleamed in her gaze other than excitement and pride, but America decided to disregard that. America barely heard the priest go over the words, as he recited his vows, it all seemed to go by in a blur.

It wasn't as exciting as he'd thought it'd be, being honest. He always imagined a rush of pride and excitement, being elated that this was happening and he was getting married, but instead, he was filled with a growing dread. Like something terrible was happening instead of the supposed best day of his entire life.

America proceeded to kiss Philippines when it was all done, but instead of it being warm and joyful, they both flinched from pain. It felt like something had been ripped from him, as he gave a small jolt. He felt fine after, glancing around as murmurs filled the chapel. Both Russia and Japan had flinched too, only they didn't seem fine now. Japan collapsed forward, writhing on the ground in front of her seat in agony, clawing at the ground as she gave a hiss of pain. Russia had stumbled forward as well, stiffening from the course of pain that ripped through him.

It felt like his insides were on fire, burning, especially his heart. He gave a choked sob, as America immediately rushed over, his eyes wide. The American dropped beside him, cradling his head off the ground as the taller figure shook. Russia tried to speak, unsure exactly what he was aiming to say. Maybe an apology, maybe a confession. All that came out was blood though, like the blood was rushing out of his body.

Seemingly reading it in his gaze, America's eyes widened, "No, no, no, no.."

He lifted the Russian closer to him, letting the tears fall from his eyes as Russia's life slowly drained away.

In the end, the soulmates broke apart.

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