Chapter Three: Do you remember the first time met?

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Clare and Kc were now at the Dot, laughing their heads off, she had had fun with someone who wasn't Eli for once. Kc had spent the past two hours playing basketball with Clare and even invited her to his next game, The next evening Clare had of course said yes and she and Alli were going shopping that afternoon after Alli spent the night a Clare's house. Her phone began to ring again and she sighed, giving Kc a apologetic look. ''I'm sorry I have to get this, Its Eli.''. Kc nodded.

' 'No problem''. he said giving her a smile. ''I'll miss you''. Clare blushed and smiled as she walked into the woman's room. She was still smiling as she leaned against the wall She then dialed the phone number hoping that Eli wasn't mad at her.

''Clare!'' Eli sounded relieved and a little bit upset. ''I've been calling you and calling you, but you didn't answer''. She sighed not knowing what to do, If Eli was her best friend he would understand. But if he didn't she didn't want to lose him as a friend. '

'Eli listen, do you know how you asked if I was OK with us being so close that we didn't hang out with any other friends?''She said, wanting to break it to him slowly and carefully as not to hurt him to badly.

''Yes...'' he said slowly as if he knew what was coming and he didn't sound happy about it at all. ''What about it?'' She took a deep breath, hoping Eli wouldn't lose it at her because she just couldn't lose him as a friend.

''Well, I wasn't exactly truthful, i didn't want to hurt you''. She closed her eyes, knowing that she was. ''The truth is Eli, the people I've met at school are all great people, and I'd like to be their friend''. There was paused if Clare didn't hear his breath she'd think he hung up on her. ''Eli?'' She said in a small voice. ''Eli, speak to me please!'' he didn't for a second, but then he did and his voice was full of anger.

''You promised''. He accused. ''You promised we wouldn't turn into you're mom and Glen!'' She felt tears fill her eyes she KNEW he'd over react. ''You LIED to me!'' She began to cry harder. ''So you're will Alli, Kc or Conner and Dave are you?''


''Save it Clare, I know how this ends, I'm sparing myself the pain now''. with that, he hung up on her. Clare began to cry, she couldn't believe that he'd freaked out on her! Didn't he KNOW that he was her best friend? That NOBODY could ever replace him? Obviously not. She sighed and dried off her eyes and thought about Kc. Now there was someone out there wanted to spend time with her and for now she would forget about Eli and do something for herself. She walked back to the table and sat down and he smiled at her.

'How'd he take it?'' He asked sounding genuinely concerned. Clare sighed and gave him a genuine smile and shook her head. She just didn't care about Eli right now when KC was right in front of her. She'd probably break down tonight when she was home.

''That doesn't matter right now i'm with you''. He smiled at her and then all of the sudden he threw a french fry at her mouth dropped open. And Kc began to laugh at her face. ''Oh its on now Guthrie!'' She said and they began throwing food at one another. She felt better right now her life was about Kc she'd deal with Eli later. They began to laugh and then Kc looked Serious.

''I really like you Clare.'' He said giving her a soft smile. ''I've never cared about anybody, so much''. She wondered what had happened in Kc's life that made him say this. She hadn't know him long at all. At the moment she wasn't thinking about Kc at all but she believed him. ''Um...'' he seemed up able to get the words out she found it attractive that he was so unable to to speak to her like she was to him. ''I'm sorry, I don't meet to be so...''

''No its OK''. She put his hand on his and smiled at him. ''I like it, you're not just popular you're a normal human being''. He smiled at her.

''I should walk you home''. She smiled back and stood up.

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