Emotional mask

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I didn't mean to fall... I just hung around the wrong people. 

Crowley POV

I used to be an angel. My name was Jachniel, I was one of the angelic guardians to the south gate. My best mate at the time was another south gate guardian of the name Gabriel. Apparently he has made his way up to one of the highest ranks now. We used to be so close, well at least so I thought, after about five years of knowing him, he dared me to ask the all mighty about the 'great plan'. He knew I would never back down from a dare, so I found a way to communicate with him. Not his stupid messenger, I somehow managed to reach the lord himself. I didn't even greet him, I just questioned him on the plan, was every detail written down? Was he being too harsh on the humans? Did he actually want that? What would happen if it didn't work?I was so stupid, one of the most important rules in heaven is 'Thou shall not question the great plan'. I always thought it ridiculous. However, it got me booted out of the place. I remember nothing for a few days, then a hideous woman met me. Her name was Beelzebub. She was the 'leader of hell'. I was taken down and under; into the gruesome basement of hell. I was re-named. Apparently Jachniel was to angelic, they called me Crawley. In addition to that, they wiped me from the memories of my peers and friends. No one remembered me and I had to start from scratch. I was miserable for the first few centuries I spent there, I built up walls around myself; blocking people out. I never showed any emotions, I made sure I was feared within hell. I got myself a reputation, I had no friends and everyone avoided me. Then I got the news, I was being sent up to the 'Garden of Eden' to tempt the first humans to walk the earth. Their names were Adam and Eve and I was to tempt them to defy the rules of God. I was sent up as a snake. I twisted and slithered over the new trees and grass until I reached the young lady. She seemed to be pregnant, her partner out picking fruit. I slithered up the nearest tree to her and stretched my head to her ear.

"Go on, eat the apple. You know you want to. God is being greedy, by eating the apple, you will know the difference between good and evil. You will grow wiser and stronger, don't let God keep everything for himself." I hissed gently into her ear. She turned around to face me, before looking back at the apple tree. As if in a daze, she began to walk slowly towards the tree. She picked the fruit and took a small bite. Almost immediately, she grinned. Eve spun around and called for her beloved. They shared a bite, and were soon sent out of the garden by the all mighty. I cackled quietly before making my way to the gate. 

I was met with a gorgeous angel. He was guarding the gate, he was wearing a spotless, white outfit that matching his almost white, blonde hair. In his right hand, he wielded a flaming sword. His face was calm, eyes loving. I rolled my eyes slightly and slithered off, I'd investigate more later. 

A hour later

I was slithering around the edge of the garden when I spotted the same angel from before. He was alone now, and didn't seem to have the flaming sword in his possession. I thought I'd go and speak with him, patronise him, you know the usual. I slithered up the towering wall, as I reached the top I transformed into my demonic form. My long, curly, ginger hair blew wildly in the winds of the brewing storm. I was wearing the exact same thing as the angel, just in a deep black. 

"Well that went down like a led balloon." I commented quietly.

The angel looked at me and nervously laughed. 

"Sorry, what was that?" he asked me politely.

"I said, well that went down like a led balloon." I repeated. 

"Yes, yes. It did rather." the angel agreed, his soft hair blowing the the breeze. 

"Bit of an overreaction if you ask me." I state after a few seconds of comfortable silence, "First offence ya know, isn't it. I can't see what's so bad about knowing the difference between good and evil anyway." I shake my head. 

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