Ragini was Kidnapped ⚠️

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Sanskar remembered every memory he had with vathsal and fell on his knees
Shivin holded sanskar to explain things

"Why?" Sanskar uttered
Tears were flowing through his eyes.

"Bhai its not time to sit and cry..first clear the mess and think about ayaan Now" lucky grabbed karthik shirt collar "i will handover him to police station"

Sanskar was total blank not a word he uttered on the way to his room.
"Sanky? Lets think about Ayaan Now" shivin holded sanskar hand.

"I don't understand how...How could he even do this to me?" Sanky was deeply hurted with vatty acts

"Sanky! You knew he was so possessive towards you,but now its like obsession.We can think about him later, but what about Ayaan?" Without completing the sentence sanskar mobile started ringing its Lakshya

Phone conversation

"Bhai, good news! Where are you? Iam coming to meet you?"

"Good news? About what lucky?"

"Bhai, We can save ayaan bhai..there is one doctor, and tell me where are you?"

"Is it true???lucky...tell me the details" sanky was so happy to listen

"Uffo bhai! Tell me where are you?" 🙄🙄

"Guesthouse, jaldi aana"
Call disconnected

"Shiv...shiv...We can save ayaan, lucky said there is a doctor.Hope everything goes good" sanskar was smiling while tears rolling from his eyes.

"Bhai,Here is the details of the doctor" lakshya handed over the file with details of doctor.

Sanskar grabbed the file and looked the details

After an hour

"Sanskar everything is set, we sent every report of ayaan to him and doctor fixed the operation date after three days" shiv told to sanskar who was standing near window.

"Iam......sc... scared shiv" sanskar letout deep breathe

"Sanskar think how you gonna tell this to Ragini" shiv told

"Why? Why all this happening to me?" Sanskar fell on knees thinking about Ayaan Ragini and vatty

"Sanskar stay strong, there is no time You have to handle Ragini...... me and lucky will talk to doctor about everything here"
Both left the place.


"Mumma! Are we going to papa?" Ayaan asked looking at Ragini who is packing luggage.

"No Ayaan, we are leaving this country"

"Then papa? When is he coming??" Ayaan asked excited.

"Ayaan, he isn't coming with us"

"Then i will also not going anywhere" saying this ayaan started unpacking his chota bag.

"Ayaan,what are you doing?" Ragini started packing his things again..

"I wont come without papa" when he about to touch his bag,Ragini shouted

With her shout Ayaan startled
Tears started rolling from his eyes and he started crying loud.

Ragini hugged him tight and wiped his tears.
"Sorry ayaan, You love mumma Right?"
He nodded
"Then trust me, this is for your good and i love u more Ayaan,i have only you" she said

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