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Im really happy 😃 for the response im getting for this story
More love to you guys ✌️💝
Ragini was patting ayaan, who slept on her lap.
Slowly ayaan drifted into deep sleep.
Ragini lifted him and went to his room and made him sleep on his bed.
After Switching on the fan and turning off the light. She came back to her room and thinking the words of sanskar

"Don't doubt my love for you, bcz that is the only thing I'm sure off"

She closed her eyes and remembered vatty words

"He just acted being in love with you for the sake of revenge for slap"

She fall back on her bed and was thinking about sanskar words and slowly slept


" Lucky, Today we both go for shopping" Ragini said

"Today???" He asked being little shocked

" Why? Is there any important work?" She asked

Today vatty Ka football match hai college mei, kya Karu bhagawan 😥😥😥

"At what time Ragu?" He asked to confirm as the match starts at 4pm

" We will go by evening, but if you have any important work we will go someother time lucky"

"Nothing is more important than you Ragu" he said holding her hand.
I don't wanted to disappoint you Ragu ..I don't know why ...have to manage vatty now ..Hmmmm



Both left for shopping and sanky mobile was continuously ringing and it's vatty
He is calling continuously what to do?? Socho socho

He picked the call when Ragini is not near.

"Hey vatty boy , I'm really sorry! I couldn't make it...Some urgent work assigned by dad so please understand me" sanky lied

"That's fine sanky, katham Karke milna"
Saying this he disconnected the call.

I lied ...lied to vatty best friend 😔

By then Ragini came and both went to the mall where he first proposed and it was decorated
He stopped walking after watching it.

" Ragu, what's all these ??"

" Baby, I have a surprise"

" ??"

" I have got one project and  I submitted that perfectly, they offered me job"

" Wow , that's a great news Ragu" he hugged her

She hugged him back.

" Where will be job location?"

" Yet to small party from my side"

They started spending time with eachother.
And after shopping they reached Ragini home.

After sometime
She bought one plate

"What is this now?" He asked

" Apple " she said and took one piece and put near his mouth

" Ragu... please I don't feel to eat anything"

" You didn't ate anything there also lucky, how do you sleep empty stomach, Eat these apples or else wait for half an hour I will do something to eat"

" No, I will eat Apple" saying this he took the plate 
And started eating.

" Acha! In that dress section, why r  you looking at green dress girl?" 

He stopped eating
" I just saw her dress, it looks good! Very good.. thought to suggest you"

" Hmmmm, Acha! I will ask you one thing..say truth"

" Ask 😎😎😎😎"

" In this whole world what is beautiful to you?" She asked

" 🤔🤔🤔Nature" 

Phattttt *she slapped him*

" Why?" He asked

" In this whole world ...its me, who should be beautiful for you" she said pointing finger.
He nodded like a baby
Just then again his mobile rings
It's vatty boy

" Okay! Ragu I have to leave, sleep now, meet you at morning" saying this he started to leave.

" Lucky" she called
He turned to her

" What??"
" Come here"
He walked to her
She hugged him and kissed his forehead
"Drive safe and have a happy sleep"

He just looking at her.
Am I doing wrong with her??

He reached hostel
Vatty was waiting for sanky
" Work done?" Vatty asked

" Yeah bro" he said closing his eyes thinking he lied to him and he wanted to say ..but he don't know what's stopping him.

" How was ur date bro?" Vatty asked
Sanky was shocked


" You started lying to me for the sake of that girl? And you said it's all acting!!! Don't say that you really love her!!!"

"Sorry, vatty ...I will talk with you later" sanky avoided the discussion

"It's all acting na sanky!!! Remember that slap, she gave for you and me..Infront of everyone ??" He raised sanskar ego and made him think about only revenge.
Sanskar was now thinking only about revenge.

"How could you make him lie to me Ragini?? It's a big mistake you did...first slap and now trying to avoid sanky and me...galat Kiya tune 😎😎😎" saying this he smirked

*Door knock* again not in flashback in real

Flashback ends

Ragini looked at watch and it's 12AM
She went to ayaan room and checked he is sleeping peacefully.
Then again she heard door knock

She went to door and asked
"Who is this?"

No response from outside
But again door knock sound she heard

"Who is this?" She was scared now

" It's me vatty, open the door Ragini"
She was shocked
"Why he came at this time??"

Done with the short part
Guess whats vatty planning ???
Why he came at her house at that time??? Whats cooking in his mind 🤔🤔🤔

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Suma ❤️

I Love You But I Hate U More Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ