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Sanskar was running towards his car just then
Vatty came

"Hey sanky? Where are you going?"

"Vatty I have important work, I will just come to you after that i'll explain you everything"  saying this he went to car and drove off

"Where he is going?? Important work other than me?? He is not sharing anything now!! I have to know what is it?" Saying this he followed sanskar car.

In middle vatty got call from office

"Is it urgent??" Vatty asked

"Okay, I'm coming saying this he turned his car to his office"


Here sanskar reached Ragini house and slowly peeped inside and saw ayaan playing video game.

"Shh...shh...ayaan" he muttered

Ayaan turned to source of the sound and excited seeing sanskar there

"Woww buddy " ayaan ran to sanskar and jump into his arms.

"Silence...champ...if your mumma listens na...she will kick me out of your house" 
Sanskar closed his mouth but ayaan slowly removed his hand and smiled

" Mumma is not in home...she didn't returned yet from office"

"Uff......ok champ...I have some suprise for you...go out and see" sanskar dropped ayaan from his arms

Ayaan ran outside there he saw lakshya standing smiling and made arms wide.

"Yayyy"  he ran towards lakshya and he hugged ayaan.

"What a surprise? Both buddies came to meet me"

"Today... We both are going for buddies date" lakshya said

" Wow fantastic ...but what about mumma?" Ayaan asked

" I already told her ayaan...come get ready" saying this lakshya made ayaan ready and took him out before giving thumbs up 👍 to sanskar

"Bhai...careful, don't hurt her" 
Sanskar nodded 

Both ayaan and lakshya went
Leaving sanskar in home.

After 2hours Ragini came home.

She saw door was already opened

"Oh!! How could I be this late!!" Slapping herself

While entering house
" Sorry...sorry ayaan bachaaaaa...iam late" her words stopped middle
When she saw a balloon was attached in entrance of the wall where it was written "SORRY"

"Oh!!! Ayaan u did some mistake ...Now come out whereever you hide"

It's very usual for them as whenever ayaan makes any mistake he confess the mistake after saying sorry  and some sorry notes everywhere, and later she forgives him ...

She entered bedroom of ayaan
There she find a small box
" What's  my bachaaaaa kept in this small box" saying this she opened the box

A small sorry note with a rose beside it

Don't know why but her smile vanished after seeing rose.

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