Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"From this moment on, you will be known as Swiftclaw." Larchstar mewed and turned to Cloudpaw. "Cloudpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Cloudrain. Smallpaw, from this moment on you, will be known as Smallraven."

"Swiftclaw! Cloudrain! Smallraven!" Cheered the cats of FireClan.

"Sparrowpaw, from this moment on you will be known as Sparrowgorse." The black tom went on and flicked his tail. "Though she no longer walks with us, Starlingpaw will now be known as Starlingwhisper."

Sweetscent lowered her head and ears at the new name of her dead daughter. Rockstar killed her in cold blood and she will never forget it.

Springleap was sitting next to her like normal, but his shadowed and pained gaze told a different story. He too was grieving for the loss of his daughter and Sweetscent felt a wail growing in her throat, but she swallowed it down.

Cloverwing rose to her paws, padded over to her friend, and sat beside her. She flicked her tail across her shoulders comfortingly and murmured a few comforting words to Sweetscent.

"Cloverbud, Springleap, Sweetscent, Swiftclaw, Cloudrain, Smallraven, Sparrowgorse, Honeypelt, Pearpelt, Stonewhisker, Sunfur, Emberstripe, and Snowpebble will come to the Gathering tonight." Larchstar finished and leaped down from the Tall Rock.


"Cats of all Clans! Welcome to the Gathering, Froststar, would you like to start?" Strikestar asked, angling his ears to the she-cat.

Froststar nodded and stepped up, tail flicking. "IceClan has been well, especially with the coming newleaf. Fallowhawk has announced she is expecting Shellpetal's kits."

Sweetscent watched as the gray shape of Starlingwing stepped forward. "Rockstar has been exiled from DuskClan along with all his followers. We could not have done it without the help of Sweetscent as she led the raid to rid DuskClan of our cruel leader." The swirled she-cat dipped her head to the deputy and went on. "I am now known as Starlingstar and my deputy is Whitefang."

Sweetscent saw that the DuskClan warriors were more muscled and fed than when she last saw them. 'Because we helped them at the cost of Starlingpaw's life.' She thought glumly.

Larchstar stood at the top of his rock, gazing a the cats below. "FireClan is well and we have four new warriors. Congratulations Swiftclaw, Cloudrain, Smallraven, and Sparrowgorse!"

Strikestar rose to his paws, tail waving. "DawnClan is well and we have eight new warriors. Congratulations Flowersun, Mistlelily, Snakesnap, Berrysquirrel, Spiderstep, Birchsong, Gorsefall, and Puddlewatcher!"

"That concludes this moon's Gathering." Larchstar meowed leaped down from his stone and Sweetscent followed him as he led the way home.

On their way home, they took a detour and crossed the river that flowed across their territory, cutting it in half. Sweetscent went first with Honeypelt and Pearpelt and waited for the others.

Springleap coaxed Cloverbud across and once she was over, began to cross. The stones that made a path to the other side were wet with the rushing water and Springleap lost his footing, falling into the raging black water.

"Springleap!" Yowled Sweetscent and Sparrowgorse at the same time at their mate and father was carried away with no chance of survival. "No!" Cried the deputy and she plunged into the river, slashing through the water to get to her mate and father of her only kit now that Starlingpaw had died.

Springleap's black and white head broke the surface many times but he never resurfaced by the time Sweetscent's paws grew tired and unable to drive her on. "Springleap!" She wailed but it was no use. Springleap had died in front of the eyes of his Clanmates, kit, and mate. 

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