Chapter Twenty-Five

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Silence clung to the air as the dead tabby was dragged into camp by Cloverbud. Goldentail was covered in bites and scratches, so was Cloverbud but, to Sweetscent's relief, Smallpaw was unharmed.

"What happened?" Demanded Larchstar, who was striding out of his den, Pearpelt, and Honeypelt behind him. He saw Goldentail's body and closed his eyes. When they re-opened, he stared at Cloverbud.

"A patrol of DuskClan warriors were on IceClan's territory and attacked us." Explained Cloverbud, who looked tired and half-dead. "The patrol was led by Blazewing and Heartfire. They demanded to have Cloverwing, Mosspatch, Flameheart, and Driftshade back but we refused since they like it better here." Her tail flicked back and forth as she continued. "The patrol was awfully thin and underfed, and Heartfire looked desperate as she gazed at our trees."

Sweetscent looked to Larchstar and flicked her tail. "We need to rid the forest of Rockstar." She blurted out, earning weird glances. Larchstar stared at his deputy in shock but his silence forced her to go on. "During the last battle, Cloverwing told me how thin and starving they are. As I looked at the warriors, I realized how much what she said was true. They are forced to fight for what they eat and are hardly fed anything good."

Larchstar pondered the words of his deputy before nodding. "Sweetscent, lead an attack patrol to DuskClan's camp and drive out Rockstar and any of his followers." He meowed, tail flicking.

Sweetscent nodded and turned to Sunfur. "Go find Mosspatch and the others, we need them for the raid." She ordered and looked over at Cloverwing and Sharpkit as they disappeared into the nursery.


Sweetscent stalked up the steep hill that led to DuskClan's camp. Her heart raced as Mosspatch, Flameheart, and Driftshade led the way to their former Clan's home.

Flameheart waved her tail for the attacking patrol to stop and the she-cat tensed, crouching down. "I see the camp, it's in ruins." She murmured to Sweetscent, who nodded.

Driftshade stalked beside Sweetscent and Flameheart. "We'll go around to the dirtplace tunnel, we can sneak in there." He growled, his claws unsheathing as he guided the DuskClan and FireClan cats towards the tunnel.

Whitefang and Echopool were guarding the camp and Mosspatch let out a small whimper. "They hate Rockstar, they'll help us." She meowed quietly and headed for the she-cats. Sweetscent followed close behind, her ears flattened as she approached the two white she-cats.

"Who's there?" The FireClan deputy cringed at the croaky sound of Whitefang's call, making her tense in fear.

"It's Mosspatch with Sweetscent, Whitefang," Mosspatch answered for the deputy beside her. Together, they padded out of their hiding place and approached the two white and thin she-cats.

Echopool looked alarmed and shocked at the presence of the two cats but her white fur flattened and a look of relief dawned on her face. "You know its dangerous here, Mosspatch." She burst out quietly, tail flicking. "Why is there a FireClan cat with you?" Echopool's mew wasn't threatening, only worried and protective.

"There's more of us, and we're here to help you overthrow Rockstar," Sweetscent explained, her paws itching to run and catch up with Driftshade and Flameheart. "Driftshade and Flameheart are here along with a huge group of my Clanmates. Come with us, please." She meowed and led the two guards towards Driftshade and the others.

"Flameheart!" Meowed Whitefang and rushed to the she-cat, pressing against her harshly.

"Driftshade!" Echopool breathed in relief and looked around, searching for someone. "Did Cloverwing not make it?" She asked quietly, her eyes darkening.

Sweetscent purred softly and shook her head. "Cloverwing and her son Sharpkit are well and fed." She assured the she-cat, watching as she physically relaxed. "Come on, we have a job to do."

"Who else did you bring with you for the raid, Sweetscent?" Asked a curious Whitefang, her eyes determined.

"Honeypelt, Pearpelt, Cloverbud, Springleap, Stonewhisker, Sunfur, Swiftpaw, Cloudpaw, Smallpaw, Starlingpaw, Sparrowpaw, Pounceheart, Mosspatch, Flameheart, and Driftshade." Sweetscent listed, her voice faltering at the names of her kits.

"What about Poppystar and Swiftscar?" Questioned Echopool, making a sharp pang of grief pierce Sweetscent's heart.

"Poppystar is dead and Swiftscar is an elder. Larchwhisker is now Larchstar, I am the new deputy of FireClan." Sweetscent responded wretchedly. Shaking her head to clear it, she and Flameheart stalked around the camp and arrived at the stench of the dirtplace.

"This is it," Sweetscent breathed to herself, tail flicking. She raised her voice and head and yowled. "FireClan! Attack!"

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