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A black shape with snow white paws padded out of the shadows, its eyes narrowed into small slits as it gazed at the other nine shapes in front of him. "Well, Tumbletiger?" He growled to the striped healer. "Why have you brought us here?"

"Yes, why?" A small cream tabby spoke up, her eyes flaring alive with curiosity. "Make it quick, Whitefang's kits are due any day now." Her blue eyes glowed at the mention of the kits but she hid any other emotion than her own concern.

Tumbletiger flicked his striped tail for silence and opened his mouth to speak. "I've had a vision-" The tom was cut off by a snort of contempt from one of the other cats.

"Is that the reason you dragged us here, Tumbletiger?" A large and intimidating dark ginger shape rose to their paws. "Honestly, Strikestar, if you cannot find reasonable topics to discuss, anyone would question your leadership."

Strikestar's fur rose along his spine and his eyes were set ablaze with anger. "I assure you Poppystar, this will not waste the precious time you spend chasing squirrels." He growled through gritted teeth at the leader.

"Hush, everyone." A bracken tabby meowed, his amber eyes calm and cool. "If Tumbletiger didn't have anything important to share with us, why would he gather us here?" No one responded to the wise leader. "Go on, Tumbletiger."

Tumbletiger cleared his throat and started again, this time with every cat's attention. "I've had a vision that rain clouds covered the sky and it was really cold." He mewed, uncomfortable under the stares from the others. "It shifted into Newleaf and the grass was lush and birds were chirping with life. Clover bushes were abundant all over the scene. There was a sweet scent that filled my nose before an owl swooped down, talons outstretched and it all went black." Poppystar's mouth was closed and she thought in silence as he finished.

"It's a sign from StarClan." She realized with a jolt. "Tumbletiger, what were the lines StarClan spoke of in your vision?" Tumbletiger gulped and recited the words, sending shivers down the spines of his companions. "Rain will shadow the Clans with its cold, spring will bring new life to the forest, buds of clover will grow but the sweetest scent will heal the Clans. But beware! For an owl's sharp talons will lead the way to bloodshed."

Warriors: Rise of the Shadows (Book 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora