Chapter 10

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I woke up and my eyes were blurry. I was shivering, it was so cold in the room. I kept flickering my eyes to get eyesight back. I looked up from where I was laying. I'm on a stone, cold floor. I looked around the room seeing I was locked in a cell. I started to shake from the coldness as it overwhelms me. I looked through the cell bars to see if there's anyone or anything. There's no one just more cells. I looked down trying to think how to get out when my chin touched something on my neck. I felt my neck and realized that it's a choker. I was confused why there was a choker on my neck. Well more importantly I need to get out of here. I tried to find water maybe to break the lock. I found a little but I tried to get it but it felt like all my powers just have disappeared. I tried again harder but then I got a terrible shocking pain from my neck traveling throughout my body like a lightening bolt.

Y/n: Ow. What the hell!

I tried to take it off but it just shocked me again with more pain. I hissed in agony but then someone came to my cell.

Guard: I'm here to escort you to your room.

Y/n: What?! No! Where am I?

He ignored my question and just kept talking.

Guard: We need to get you changed. You're marring King Lucas tomorrow. Plus, there's a gathering today that you need to attend to.

Y/n: No! I refuse!

Guard: I'm sorry for this.

He opened the cell door and pressed a button which caused a painfully shock from my neck again. I yelled in pain. While he came towards my agonizing body and injected a needle with serum. He soon took off the choker, grabbing me by the arm. I tried to get out of his grip but he wouldn't let go. He lead me to this room and locked the door behind him and stood there. Tears were forming in my eyes and I felt an emptiness inside of me. My powers weren't there.

Y/n: Why are you doing this..?

Guard: It's my job. Y/n I really didn't want to do this.

I got on the bed resting my head in my knees and cried. Zach, Jimin, Everyone. I miss them so much.

Guard: Please, Dont cry, my name is Minhyuk.

Y/n: Why do you care?

Minhyuk: Because I was forced into this, like you. I know what you feel like.

I lifted my head a little from my position I was in, Why? Why was he forced into this as well.

Minhyuk: I'll try to help this be easier on you.

Y/n: Why were you forced into this.

His head dropped while he gulped from the question. I shouldn't of asked that.

Y/n: I'm sorry.

Minhyuk: It's fine. I wanted to tell you anyways.

I lifted my head fully giving him all my attention.

Minhyuk: The story started a few years ago..


Minhyuk's POV

*A couple years ago*

Shopping mart... Shopping mart. Ah! Finally found it! I rushed to the market to pick up the order mother sent. I was so focused onto getting the groceries that I accidently bumped into someone. It was a girl. She had the straightest brown hair and brown eyes. She had the most perfect smile. Wearing a business dress.

Minhyuk: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it.

???1: It's okay, your fine.

After helping her up. We looked into each others eyes. I feel like I've known her forever. I'm already in love. Her eyes, smile, and everything. Even though we just met I feel like it was love at first sight. All of the sudden another girl popped up behind her.

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