Chapter 5

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Beep... Beep... Beep...

I started to wake up, my vision was very blurry.I flickered my eyes trying to get eyesight back. I soon sensed that my hand was being held. I switched my eyes to Jimin's, he's holding my hand while sleeping.  I whisper under my breath,

Y/n: Aegyo.. (Cute).

I started to blush a little. Ugh.. Jimin why are you like this you're so hard to understand. I notice a light behind Jimin, it was a clock and it read,

1: 48 am.

Damn.. wait.. WHAT! Everything was coming back to me, the ceremony, my powers, and... Lucas.. How long was I out for? I flinched causing Jimin to wake up.


Jimin's POV

Ugh... my head.. it hurts.. that coward. Y/n... My eyes widened and I shot up out of the seat, breathing heavily.

Me(Jimin): Y/n! Where is she?! Is she okay?!

I notice my six best friends around me. I was home.

Taehyung: Jimin, are you okay?

Me(Jimin): Yes! I'm fine where's Y/n!

Jungkook:  The teachers came back after they evacuated everyone. But she was on the floor out cold and they rushed her over to the hospital. The Nurse looked over you and Zach and told us to get you guys some rest.

Me(Jimin): well I had enough rest! I need to go see her what time is it?

6:24 am.

Me(Jimin): I want to go and see her!

Everyone except Namjoon and Jimin: Alright!

Namjoon was awfully quiet like he was in deep thought. He had his eyes down and a hand on his chin/mouth. I looked at him with my eyes  furrowed. I wonder what he's thinking about.

Yoongi: Alright stop stalling around, lets go!

*Time skips to Hospital*

Nurse: Welcome to the hospital, who would you like to visit.

Me(Jimin): Can we visit, Zulith Y/n.

Nurse: of course she on the 4th floor in room 116.

Hoseok: Thank you.

We were making our way to her room. When we see Zach and his friends walking out of her room. I narrowed my eyes with anger. He makes me so mad. He soon catches my stare and returns in back to me. Until, his noodle haired friend notices and whispers to him. They soon started to walk away until blue eyes started to speak.

Daniel: She's still sleeping.

That's all they said before they left. We walked into her room. I saw the girl I love in a hospital bed. She looks so peaceful sleeping. But I wasn't able to help her I felt so helpless. I got a chair and dragged it to the side of the bed. I held her hand then all of the sudden Namjoon spoke up.

Namjoon: That's it!

He face lit up, as if he answered the hardest question in the world.

Jin: What's wrong.

Namjoon: Guys.. You know how I can read people thoughts.

Everyone except Namjoon: Yes...

Namjoon: on the first day of school when she got up to introduce herself, I couldn't read her. It was the first person that I couldn't read. I started to do some research about it and found out that my powers don't work on the royal family. But I was confused because I thought the royal family is dead, but then I remember of the princess. I waited for the ceremony to confirm it's her.

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