29: Cruel Intentions

Start from the beginning


FP pulled up to the house, parking the truck with s pit in his stomach. Something wasn't right. He thought back to look on little sister's face. All there was a blank stare and almost like she was dead. He quickly gripped the coffee cups in his hands as his head pounded. Something wasn't right, he thought to himself again as the pit grew bigger in his stomach.

"Lexie! I got your coffee!" He announced as he walked through the front door.

When he looked around the house was neat— almost like it was a brand new house. His legs became to feel heavy and drawn to something.

Recently they had moved into the house after Gladys secretly bought it for him and their kids. Gladys was at work and there were days he wondered what she was up to. But he couldn't bring himself to care. He only loved one person — woman — named Alice Smith. He's been in-love with her for as long as he'd known her.

"Lexie... your coffee is gonna get cold!" He said again as he looked through the house.

He goes unanswered again. Fear starts kicking in and he shouts for her. His stomach had a gripping pain as he approached the bathroom door. He knocks gently at the door hoping to get a response.

"Lexie? Are you in there?" He feels like he's having a bad dream as he gets silence. He starts banging his knuckles against the wood hard. "Alexandra, open this door! You're starting to worry me!" He barked, fear penetrating into his voice.

His patience had gone a long time ago as he kicked and kicked at the wooden pane door. He didn't bother trying to pick at the lock. It would take too much time. He didn't like the feeling as the final layer of the door came crashing down. He raced inside, dropping the coffee cups onto the floor.

"LEXIE!" He screamed in horror, tears welling up quickly in his eyes as he caught a glimpse of the bathroom tub. He dashed to pull her out of the freezing cold water. Red stained his shirt but he didn't care. He kept muttering," No,no, no, no!" Underneath his breath.

This couldn't be happening. This had to be nightmare. His sister wasn't bleeding from her wrists. This is just your imagination, FP. He knew he was in denial. His son would be back from Archie's soon. Fred? He had to call him. He will know what to do.

He sat with Lexie in his lap, holding a white towel to stop the bleeding as the other hand tried to dial his friend. His vision blurred made it harder to touch the numbers into his phone. He fought back the tears as he brought the phone to his ear.

"Hello? FP, What's—- oh god... what's going on FP?" Fred's voice broke through.

FP tried his best to explain what happened. His voice shook violently as he rocked his sister in his arms. The thought of losing her — killed him inside.

"F-Freddie... can you come— it's bad..."

"What's bad? F, talked to me." Fred encouraged him.

He sobbed out," F-Freddie, Lexie slit her wrists— I need you. Now. Please—"

"Oh god! I will be right there, F!" He rushed out," F, Call 911 and stay put. I'll be there as soon as I can."

He did as he was told. Less than ten minutes later, Fred arrived at the bathroom. He nearly collapsed at the site. All the blood made him nervous. Lexie was like a sister he'd never had— he couldn't lose her.

As the ambulance pulls up and places Lexie's frail, almost lifeless body on the stretcher. Fred held onto FP as they carried her out of the house and into the ambulance. His friend's sobs killed him. He never heard such pain before in his life. Lexie is FP's world. FP couldn't handle calling his son. He asked Fred to call him. He didn't want to but it had to be done.

After calling Jughead to inform him about his aunt, He called Alice. He knew that FP needed someone to comfort him. He tried to get a hold of Gladys but he went straight to voicemail. Alice sobbed as he told her. She told him she will be right there. It seemed like hours before the doctor came out.

Jughead, JB and FP clinged for good news. Their hearts wouldn't be able to handle to heartbreak if it wasn't good news. Fred stayed by his side as the doctor slowly approached them with an expression that was unreadable.

"Mr. Jones?" FP's head shot up, looking directly at his little sister's doctor with an ounce of hope.

His mind spun at uncontrollable rate as the doctor's expression hadn't fluctuated. He wasn't sure what to expect. He knew the statistics were low for attempted suicides.

"Yes. I am. How is she?" His mind racing as he asked that dreaded question that he was waiting desperately for an answer; any answer.

The doctor had a sympathetic look on his face as he sat down beside FP," Mr. Jones, Alexandra is in extremely critical condition. We were able to stabilize the bleeding but she lost a lot of blood. And, since Ms. Jones has such a rare blood type; a blood transfusion may be difficult. As of right now, here chances for survival are pretty slim to nothing without a proper blood transport."

FP nearly collapsed when he heard the news. His sister might not make it. And if she did; since her blood type is rare. She would need a perfect match. She is type O blood.

"Can we get tested for a match?"

Her doctor nodded," Yes. I'll have our blood center know and we'll test your blood."


Alice decided that she would call her brother. It only had been a few hours since Lexie was admitted. Her heart throbbed in pain as she paced the hospital hallway. She felt as if she was drowning. Lexie was her best friend; besides Hermione and Fred.

The phone kept ringing and ringing until she heard a voice answer. She was stunned at first. She'd been trying to get a hold of him for weeks now. She needed to hear his voice.

"Hello? This is Sam Winchester—-"

"Samuel!" She gasped, trying to hold back a sob from escaping her throat.

"Alice? Why are you calling? Has another ghost showed up or—" she abruptly cut him off.

"Samuel, this is no time for games! I need you — Uh... Lexie—"

"What's wrong, Al? Is Lexie okay?" She tried to stay strong but this was unbelievably hard.

How was she supposed to tell her brother that Lexie was in the hospital due to a suicide attempt? Her mind was in a battlefield with her own thoughts. She didn't know how to break this to Sammy.

She swallows the gapping lump down her throat and exhaled," Sammy... this is going to hard to take but... Lexie's in the hospital..."

"What?! She's in what?" He gasped in shock.

"Yeah... Sammy... She tried to kill herself... Sammy? Are you still there?" Alice asked below a bare whisper.

Sam stood in the middle of the motel room with his mouth quivering from the sobs he was trying to keep from exiting his mouth. This wouldn't happened if he kept in touch. She wouldn't be in that damn hospital if he would've answered. He should've known it was something serious.

He heard Alice's concerned voice come through the phone. He could hear slight sobs as he cleared his throat. He felt as if he let her down.

"Uh..." He cleared his throat again," Yeah I'm still here. I'll be there as soon as I can, Allie."

"Alright, see you then." And then the line went dead.

He sank to floor on his knees and just broke down sobbing into his hands. His head fell into his palms as he cried or more like weeped. After several minutes he finally gained the courage to call Bobby.

"Balls!" Bobby cursed," I will inform Ellen and Jo. Hang in there, Sam." Sam broke down again after line went dead.

This is all my fault, he thought. First he lost his dad, then Dean and now Lexie. He can't lose her. He wouldn't be able to deal with it. She had to live.

Out Of Town Guest: D.WWhere stories live. Discover now