<Chapter 3: Restorations>

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Josh Brolin as Seamus Ford, pictured above

<Jem but unconscious>

Uhh, in the green fields again!?


Why am I supposed to be unconscious again!?

Mike!? Do you have anything to do with this.... oh, you can read my mind... and he's right behind me, in his priest-like all-white get-up.

"You figured it out, Jem. As the little Titanium Lady said, you old hag..." Mike joked and laughed.

"Fine! Just stop pranking me ok!?", I requested him.

"It is the only way I can communicate with you! This is an emergency, you must know this IMMEDIATELY!", Mike pounded his fists an the air.

"What does this have to do with me!?"

"My home is once again infested with the Red Menace." Mike quickly changed his tone from joking to angry to scared.

"You mean, the Commies are back?"

"Yes, indeed. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been restored, but my vision is clouded, again..."

"The people here in the new USA is fine with the Commies..."

"Have you learned nothing from history? The Soviet Union is one of the most repressive regimes to ever exist! They have killed people way more than Hitler did in World War 2!"

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