ii. studying in the library? how romantic.

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"You think you saw the KING of WAKANDA dying?" MJ said in disbelief, gazing at Ashe like she was insane, while gnawing on her pencil's eraser.

"I don't think, MJ! I know it. And besides, who are you to tell me what I can and can't see? You didn't even see him die, so how can you be the one to judge." Ashe snapped back, her eyes narrowed fiercely onto MJ's blank ones.

"But that's what I'm trying to say," MJ replied, slowly. "It could've been someone else dying and not him-"

She was cut off by quieting chants as they ferociously grew louder.

"Penis! PARKER! Penis! PARKER!"

"Oh, for the love of God!" MJ cried, following the source of the sound, Ashe following after her. They eventually came to a stop, as they found Peter being huddled up against a locker, Flash Thompson at the very front, looking victorious in some kind of way.

"Hey! Could you guys stop?!" Ashe yelled through the crowd, but the chanting stayed resilient. The crowd began to close in on Peter.

"Hello?!" The chanting still went on.

"Can ALL of you, PLEASE, SHUT THE HELL UP!" Ashe screamed, and the crowd turned toward her, all out of curiosity, but that stopped when suddenly a scream echoed from the crowd. It was only then that they realized the floor the crowd was on slowly began to crumble.

A guy slowly rose above of the crowd, and stared right into Ashe's eyes, that were emitting a orange hue glow and screamed,

"SHE'S A MUTANT!" The crowd ran away, screaming, and the ground stopped crumbling and was miraculously restored to its original state. MJ looked at Ashe in awe, while Peter and Ned gazed at her.

"Say.. uh? Where's Akinyi?" Ashe asked, as the three other teenagers doubled in laughter.

"Really?! That's the first thing you say, after you scared all of those clowns away. What was that? How'd you even do that?" MJ said, while looking at the once destroyed floor.

"I don't know. I don't think I even did that, maybe Mother Nature doesn't like dickwads?" She shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe. But your eyes were glowing orange, and I don't think that's Mother Nature." Ned supplied.

"Erm," Peter spoke up, "So.. A-Ashe, since we're study partners, shouldn't we be studying in the library?"

Ashe sauntered up to Peter, leaned into his ear and whispered.

"Studying in the library? How romantic!" She teased, pulling back seeing how Peter was blushing.

"T-that's n-not what I meant!" Peter stuttered out, "I-I meant like - s-studying as friends!" He stammered, MJ and Ned nodding at each other knowingly and smirking.

"Oh, relax! I was just joking!" Ashe slugged him in the shoulder, playfully. "Now, c'mon, this is a study session I'm actually excited for! I get to know more about you!"


Ashe was slumped over a pile of books, her chest heaving up and down with light breaths, as her eyelashes would give a light flutter every now and then.

Peter had never really realized how beautiful the girl actually was. Sure, he noticed her in the hallways and during role call, but he never actually got to enjoy her company, or talk to her about things. Her skin was really tan, and her curly hair made her even more unique, which she complained about it being tough to handle and comb. Her face was beautiful, she had pimples on it, but she didn't mind it all. It "helps her embrace her natural beauty and the world around her," she said to Peter.

During the study session, Peter learned a lot of things about her. She had a older sister named Rayne, who was currently twenty nine years old at the time. Ashe said that if Peter would ever come over, that Rayne would instantly fall in love with him, since he was so polite and courteous. He smiled at that, wondering how a girl who never spoke that much, except around MJ could be filled with so much love and hope.

When they reached the topic about family members, Peter instantly got increasingly more quiet, Ashe noticed this and said, "Hey, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, I know exactly how you feel. I didn't even know my mom or my dad. They just.. abandoned me. I guess." She said, tears gradually forming in her eyes, as she wiped them away with the sleeve of her sweater.

"My Uncle Ben."


"My Uncle Ben. He was like a father figure to me, he loved me and my Aunt May. He took care of us well enough, he'd always give me advice.. and he overall was a great person, and.. he spent so much time caring for me, it was my fault that he died."

Peter choked back tears, as he began to shake, his eyes puffy and red. Ashe attempted to calm him down by soothingly drawing circles, on his shoulder.

"He went out - and.. He got killed by a burglar, and I noticed the burglar was the same one, Spider-Man could've caught. If he would've been doing his j-job.. Uncle Ben wouldn't have died, he'd still be here."

"Well, he sounds like a great person. And if he was here right down, he'd tell you not to blame others for his death, and be glad that he lived as long as he did."

LOVELY| p. parker. (REWRITE)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ