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Claire awoke in the middle of the night from the soundly cooing of Ashe, in her crib. She let out a yawn, still on the verge of falling back asleep.  "Aww.. what's wrong, Ash? Are you hungry?"

Claire scooped up Ashe in her arms, gently rocking her as she made her way to the kitchen. She fumbled through the refrigerator, taking the milk carton and putting it into a bowl, then placing it on a stove to warm it.

Claire went back to her room, starting to calm Ashe down, but stopped when she heard a faint buzzing come from her phone.

She frowned, and walked over to the wall phone, picking it up, and saying "Hello?" while bouncing Ashe.

"They..'re.. coming.." rasped out a voice.

"What?" Claire asked, her voice laced in confusion. "Who's coming-"

Claire was cut off as the other phone line, you could hear distance noises, she pressed the phone closer to her ear, making out the words.



The phone fell to the floor with a clatter, as a sudden sensation ran through Claire.

She rushed to her eldest daughter's room, holding Ashe tightly, and shook Rayne awake.

"Ma? What's going on?" The fifth teen year old girl asked, a glimmer of fear in her dark brown eyes.

"Nothing," Claire tried to assure her, by smiling at her. "I need you to take Ashe, go hide in the closet, and don't make a sound. Okay?"

Rayne hesitantly nodded, and grabbed her little sister. Claire grabbed Rayne, and gave her a kiss on the forehead, as the same with Ashe.

But as she gave Ashe a kiss, she spoke,

"Minimus da mihi in potestatem meam."

A orange glow made its way into Ashe's head, making her coo even more.

Rayne took Ashe and hid in the closet, that was near the kitchen.

There was banging on the door and Claire's eyes widened.  She creeped up to the kitchen, and grabbed the warm bowl of milk.

As the door burst open, six HYDRA agents came rushing in, Claire hid behind the remains of the door, and slammed the bowl on one of their heads, causing them to get knocked out.

A HYDRA agent grabbed her waist, and swung her around making her crash into the counter blood rushing down her forehead, she gasped in pain, the taste of metallic blood in her mouth.

She reached for a kitchen knife, as a HYDRA agent rushed toward her, she kicked them in the knee, and proceeded to punch them in the face, thrusting the knife into their side, before taking it out, crimson blood on it's blade.

Claire let out an agonizing scream, as she felt a bullet pierce her back, as tears streamed down her face, her eyes locked onto her daughter, who was shaking in fear, and struggled not to cry out for her mom.

Then Claire let out one last breath, gazing into a world that they could not see.

LOVELY| p. parker. (REWRITE)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt