There was a large amount of applause as Steve Conoroy took the stage. P and Jan looked at each other and rolled their eyes. "What a tool," Jan groaned as Steve soaked in the applause.

"Mr. President, because today is your birthday, I have invited only the most popular singer around today. She is a close friend of mine, and promises to give only the best performance. Mr. President- Noel Nichols."

P's stomach dropped. She slowly looked at Jan, and in unison, they said, "No."

The crowd roared as the spotlight went to the side of the stage. A tall, curvy woman stepped into the light. Her dress was skin tight, black, with a huge V in the front that dropped down to just above her belly button. A brown fur was thrown around her arms, and she handed it off the Steve as she reached the microphone.

P's eyes narrowed- something was all too familiar about Noel's big, blonde hairdo and red lips. The crowd cheered as Noel put her hands over her eyes to shield them from the bright light, searching the crowd for Bobby. She smiled and wiggled a few fingers upon finding him.

"Oh my god," Jan whispered.

Noel opened her lips and breathed heavily. "Happy birthday to you."

P's head swirled.

"She isn't!" Jan growled.

"Happy birthday, to you." Noel's voice was deep and sultry as she continued to serenade Bobby.

"Happy birthday, Mr. President, happy birthday, to you."

The crowd roared, and P set down her ice cream- unable to eat.

"Did she really just... I-" Jan shook her head.

P felt numb. Though Marilyn Monroe was an amazing actress and beautiful woman, P felt that it was hardly appropriate to serenade the President as Marilyn Monroe had serenaded Jack Kennedy, considering their alleged... history.

"I can't believe I'm watching this happen," P breathed as Noel Nichols finished the last chorus of Marilyn Monroe's famous rendition of 'Happy Birthday Mr. President.'

Finally, the rest of the crowd joined in, and a massive cake was carried out on the shoulders of two chefs. It was spectacular- at least ten layers covered in sparkling candles and elegant white icing. P thought of the party she had thrown Bobby compared to the bash at Madison Square Garden. It was a little disheartening.

The camera flashed to Bobby and showed him walking briskly to the stage. His continuing visits with Dr. Chang (against her wishes) seemed to keep him livelier than ever.

The crowd was screaming in a deafening roar, and Bobby waved to the band and nodded to a few people in the crowd. After nearly a minute, the roar finally lessened enough for him to speak.

"Thank you, Ms. Nichols," Bobby said with a smile, gesturing to the woman who had slinked off to her seat. "I would like to thank everyone who has worked to make my birthday most memorable, this was definitely a night I won't forget."


Poppy hung up a few more shirts into her newly cleaned closet. "You should be resting." Will came up behind her, taking the hangers from her fingers and putting them up. Even as he was gently leading her to the bed, his expressionless face and hard eyes told his true feelings.

"The doctor insisted we stay here," she said for the hundredth time. "Because its closer to the hospital -- that's it."

"I know," Will answered.

Poppy sat down on the bed, her lips pulled into a frown at Will's unconvincing response. "As soon as we can, we can move back into Highgrove house. With our kids."

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